Connect,[1] Your Independent HP Business Technology Community, Connect User Group Community

Formed from the consolidation of Encompass, Interex EMEA, and ITUG in May, 2008, Connect is Hewlett-Packard’s largest user community representing more than 50,000 participants. Connect is a non-profit, independent, customer-run computer user group with a strategic business partnership with HP.

This community of IT professionals deliver information technology solutions for complex and multi-system computing environments, focusing on the HP (and legacy Compaq and Digital) technologies, including HP-UX, HP's NonStop, Blade, Enterprise Storage, Enterprise Unix, OpenVMS, Linux and Windows. Further, Connect's member base focuses on best software and architectures available from alliance partners and developers as well as future applications on current operational efficiencies, including interoperability and interconnection.

The Connect membership provides feedback and direction to HP and their partners and has been instrumental in influencing the direction of many HP technologies.

Connect's website, provides information and resources by leveraging social media and networking tools that provide members with professional development programs, technical training, information exchanges, advocacy programs and networking opportunities.

History [link]

HP Computer Clubs history
Founded User Group Organization Related Computer Manufacturer
1961 DECUS Digital Equipment Corporation
1998 CUO Compaq
ITUG Tandem Computers

HP-Interex Encompass

2008 Connect Community Hewlett-Packard

References [link]

External links [link]




by: Ataque 77

Nuestro día va a llegar, tendremos nuestra vez
no es pedir de más, quiero justicia...
Quiero trabajar en paz no es mucho lo que deseo
yo quiero trabajo honesto, en vez de esclavitud
Debe haber algún lugar donde el más fuerte, no te quiera
esclavizar... si estás sin chance
por qué tanta indiferencia se ha templado a hierro
y fuego? quién cuida las puertas de las fábricas?
el cielo era azul, más ahora es ceniza si
lo que era verde aquí ya no existe más
quién me hiciera acreditar, que ya acontece nada?
de tanto jugar con fuego, que venga el fuego ya...
ese aire dejó mi vista cansada.. y nada más.
y nada más...
