ISBT 128
ISBT 128 is a global standard for the identification, labeling, and information transfer of medical products of human origin (including blood,cells, tissues, human milk, and organ products) across international borders and disparate health care systems. The standard has been designed to ensure the highest levels of accuracy, safety, and efficiency for the benefit of donors, patients, and ISBT 128 licensed facilities worldwide.
Featuring a unique, highly flexible, and comprehensive coding method for every collected product, ISBT 128 provides international consistency to support the transfer, transfusion, or transplantation of medical products of human origin.
The ISBT working group on automation and data processing began in the early 1990s and was later joined by the AABB, the American Red Cross (ARC), the Department of Defense, and the Health Industry Manufacturers Association in the development of the symbology which would come be known as the ISBT 128 international standard.