IDMS (Integrated Database Management System) is primarily a network (CODASYL) database management system for mainframes. It was first developed at B.F. Goodrich and later marketed by Cullinane Database Systems (renamed Cullinet in 1983). Since 1989 the product has been owned by Computer Associates (now CA Technologies), who renamed it Advantage CA-IDMS and later simply to CA IDMS.
The roots of IDMS go back to the pioneering database management system called Integrated Data Store (IDS), developed at General Electric by a team led by Charles Bachman and first released in 1964.
In the early 1960s IDS was taken from its original form, by the computer group of the B.F. Goodrich Chemical Division, and re-written in a language called Intermediate System Language (ISL). ISL was designed as a portable system programming language able to produce code for a variety of target machines. Since ISL was actually written in ISL, it was able to be ported to other machine architectures with relative ease, and then to produce code that would execute on them.
I managed to get hold of the original cordinates and found deep in the mountains nearby, evidence of some kind of secret government base.
At least one or several of people, have encountered early experience some time in their life (...)
Civilization. No... what I can do is I close my eyes and see anywhere in the planet.