The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) is a non-profit organization based in Durham, North Carolina in the United States, associated with the academic field of near-death studies. The Association was founded in the USA in 1981, in order to study and provide information on the phenomena of the near death experience (NDE). Today it has grown into an international organization, which includes a network of more than 50 local interest groups, and approximately 850 members worldwide. Local chapters, and support groups, are established in major U.S cities. IANDS also supports and assists near-death experiencers (NDErs) and people close to them. In one of its publications the organization has formulated its vision as one of building "global understanding of near-death and near-death-like experiences through research, education, and support".
The organization was originally known as the Association for the Scientific Study of Near-Death Phenomena. This group was founded by researchers John Audette, Bruce Greyson, Kenneth Ring and Michael Sabom in 1978. The first president of this association was John Audette, who later served as executive director. In 1981 the organization changed its name to the International Association for Near-Death Studies (also known as IANDS). A headquarter was established in Connecticut, and was affiliated with the University of Connecticut, Storrs. Offices were administered by Nancy Evans Bush, who later served as executive director.
In the time of silence
I saw a trace for my will to be
While in the remnants of my heart
I saw them shine through clouded eyes
In the depths of the night
I reached beyond the brightest stars…
And I touch your wings with my remorse
As I drain my fountain of spring
My deepest reverence
My exposed serenity
From the depths of my boundless heart
I pledge myself to thee
My days of novelty have decayed
I find myself at the end of infinity