I is a Norwegian heavy metal supergroup formed in 2006. The band features Immortal members Abbath and Armagedda, Gorgoroth bassist TC King, and Enslaved's Ice Dale. The band cites Bathory as one of their major influences.
The band's debut album, Between Two Worlds, was released on November 3, 2006 in the United Kingdom and November 14, 2006 in the United States through Nuclear Blast Records. Their first and only live show was at The Hole in the Sky Festival in Bergen on August 26, 2006. Currently there are no more scheduled live shows. In 2007 Abbath has stated that he had started working on new songs for the next album, although no further comment has been made since. Given Abbath's formation of the band Abbath in 2015 following his departure from Immortal along with I bassist TC King, it is unlikely that a future I album will emerge. As part of prompting their new project, Abbath covered I's Warriors in October 2015.
The band features Abbath's raw black metal vocals accompanied with a classic metal influenced sound. Blasts beats and some of the more "erratic" structural traits of black metal have also been excluded, this gives the band more of a classic metal sound but the black metal influences are still evident giving the band a unique sound.
The NATO I band is the obsolete designation given to the radio frequencies from 8 000 to 10 000 MHz (equivalent to wavelengths between 3.75 and 3 cm) during the cold war period. Since 1992 frequency allocations, allotment and assignments are in line to NATO Joint Civil/Military Frequency Agreement (NJFA). However, in order to identify military radio spectrum requirements, e.g. for crises management planning, training, Electronic warfare activities, or in military operations, this system is still in use.
o mamute pequenino keria voar, tentava, tentava e nao podia voar...uma pombinha sua amiga tentou ajudar e do quinto andar fez ele pular....huhuhu o q aconteceu? merda!!! o mamute firou merda! merda!!! o mamute firou merda!
o mamute pequenio keria fumar, tantava, tentava e nao podia fumar...um cachorro seu amigo tentou ajudar e fez ele fumar 500 cigarinhos fez ele fumar....o q aconteceu? cancer!!! o mamute teve cancer! cancer!!! o mamute teve cancer!
o mamute pequenino keria beber, tentava, tentava e nao podia beber...um urso seu amigo tentou resolver e 6 litros de uisque fez ele beber....o q aconteceu? sirrose!!! no mamute deu sirrose! sirrose!!! no mamute deu sirrose!
o mamute pequenino keria transar, tentava, tentava e nao podia transar...um jegue seu amigo tentou ajudar e com 100 prostitutas fez ele transar....ohh o q aconteceu? AIDS!!! o mamute pegou AIDS! AIDS!!! o mamute pegou AIDS!
o mamute pequenino keria se drogar, tentava, tentava e nao podia se drogar... um gato seu amigo tentou ajudar e 50 carreirinhas fez ele cheira....ha unf o q aconteceu? overdose!!! um mamute com overdose! overdose!!! um mamute com overdose!
e agora o q aconteceu? ele morreu?!
morreu!!! o mamute morreu! morreu!!! o mamute se fu...!
morreu!!! o mamute morreu! morreu!!! o mamute se fu...deu.