Aion may refer to: Aeon
Aion (2003) is an album by the Finnish rock group CMX. The word Aion (or Aeon) is Ancient Greek for "age, life-force" and also a Finnish verb form meaning "I intend (to do something)".
The album is regarded as something of a concept album by the band and listeners alike; a common theme throughout the songs is the concept of the devil and how this concept manifests itself in the mortal world.
The album was placed at #50 in Finnish rock magazine Soundi's list of "50 most remarkable Finnish rock albums of all time".
All songs written by CMX with lyrics by A. W. Yrjänä.
Aion (碧海のAiON, Hekikai no Aiōn, literally meaning "Aion of Green Sea") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yuna Kagesaki. The series was published in Japan by Fujimi Shobo and serialized in Monthly Dragon Age magazine. The manga has been distributed in English by Tokyopop. The story is about an immortal girl, Seine Miyazaki, and an orphan boy, Tatsuya Tsugawa, who gets involved with her.
After both his parents died in an accident, Tsugawa Tatsuya is now left with millions in inheritance that he cannot use. In the weeks after, he is still mourning and thinking about his father's last words, "A Tsugawa family's man must be a man of great caliber". However, Tatsuya is not confident he can fulfill his father's last wish.
One day a week after the accident, he meets Seine Miyazaki, a strange girl who seems to enjoy being bullied. Tatsuya believes he can help her although his friends only see her as a masochist pervert, and Seine herself told him to mind his own business.
[Original version:]
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
ridi, ridi, ridi poiche domani piangerai
Oh bel messere vi rimirate invano
nello specchio mentitore delle vanita
il vostro bel viso pallido e diafano
domani, sol domani il vaiolo sfigurato avra
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
ridi, ridi, ridi poiche domani piangerai
Oh dolce madonna, padrona di virtu
da chiunque amata e riverita a volonta
ogni vostro onere ed ogni vostro onore
morendo di parto vi porterete nell'al di la
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
ridi, ridi, ridi poiche domani piangerai
Oh nobil signore dalla viril prestanza
oggi fate il computo delle vostre proprieta
castelli, terre, uomini che oggi possedete
domani a ferro e fuoco il nemico mettera
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
ridi, ridi, ridi poiche domani piangerai
Leggiadra giovinetta affacciata sulla vita
danzate arie amene e ricevete il baciaman
sguardi furtivi ed attesi amori dimenticate
poiche domani in convento vostro padre vi menera
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
ridi, ridi, ridi poiche domani piangerai
Io che son giullare e nulla possiedo
ne terre, ne virtu, ne bellezza e castita
oggi sono vostro umil servitore
domani servitore di chi vi rovinera
Ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
io sono il giullar non temo nemico ne maesta
ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi, ridi
io sono il giullar non temo nemico ne maesta
[English version:]
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh 'cause tomorrow you'll cry.
Oh fine Sir who admire yourself in vain
in the lying mirror of vanities
your gentle pale and diaphanous face
tomorrow only tomorrow the smallpox disfigured will have.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh 'cause tomorrow you'll cry.
Oh gentle Lady owner of virtue
by anyone loved and revered as much as you please
each onus and honour of yours
dying in chilbirth you'll take with you in the next world.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh 'cause tomorrow you'll cry.
Oh noble Lord with a mainly air
today you're making the counting of your own properties
castles, lands, men that today are yours
tomorrow your enemies will put to fire and sword.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh 'cause tomorrow you'll cry.
Lovely girl facing life
you dance plaisant airs and receive the hand-kissing
furtive glances and awaited loves forget
'cause tomorrow your father will make you become a nun.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh 'cause tomorrow you'll cry.
Me who I am jester and nothing I own
neither lands nor virtue or beauty or chastity
today I am your humble servant
tomorrow I'll be servant of whom will ruin you.
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh
I am the jester I don't fear neither enemy or majesty,
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh