Hyperopia or hypermetropia, from the Greek word "hyper-metropia : ὑπερ-μετρωπία" (hyper = over + metro = measure + op = sight, look + suffix ia = condition, state > thus a condition of over-measured sight) commonly known as farsightedness (American English) or longsightedness (British English), is a defect of vision caused by an imperfection in the eye (often when the eyeball is too short or the lens cannot become round enough), causing the eye to not have enough power to see in the distance, causing the eye to have to accommodative, by having to make the lens of the eye more convex, or plus. For near objects, the eye has to accommodate even more. Depending on the amount of hyperopia and the age of the person which directly relates to the eye's accommodative ability, the symptoms can be different.
People with hyperopia can experience blurred vision, asthenopia, accommodative dysfunction, binocular dysfunction, amblyopia, and strabismus, The causes of hyperopia are typically genetic and involve an eye that is too short or a cornea that is too flat, so that images focus at a point behind the retina.
Which of the bold face lies will we use?
I hope that you're happy, you really deserve it
This'll be best for us both in the end
But your taste still lingers on my lips
Like I just placed them upon yours
And I starve, I starve for you but this new diets liquid
And dulling to the senses, and it's crude but it will do
So which of the standard lines will we use?
I've been meaning to call you, I've just been so busy
We'll catch up soon, let's make it a point to
But your taste still lingers on my lips
Like I just placed them upon yours
And I starve, I starve for you but this new diets liquid
And dulling to the senses, and it's crude but it will do