In particle physics, a hyperon is any baryon containing one or more strange quarks, but no charm, bottom, or top quark.
Being baryons, all hyperons are fermions. That is, they have half-integer spin and obey Fermi–Dirac statistics. They all interact via the strong nuclear force, making them types of hadron. They are composed of three light quarks, at least one of which is a strange quark, which makes them strange baryons. Hyperons decay weakly with non-conserved parity.
It takes multiple flavor-changing weak decays for it to decay into a proton or neutron. Murray Gell-Mann's and Yuval Ne'eman's SU(3) model (sometimes called the Eightfold Way) predicted this hyperon's existence, mass and that it will only undergo weak decay processes. Experimental evidence for its existence was discovered in 1964 at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Further examples of its formation and observation using particle accelerators confirmed the SU(3) model.
I Fell In Love From The Get Go Start
I Built A Dream In My Own Back Yard
But I Didn't Know Then
But I Know Everything
I Took A Cure When When I Knew The Cause
I Put Faith In Someone That I Shouldn't Of
It Must Have Been You
Made Me Open Mesmerised
The Sun And Moon Just Vapourised
Well You Left Me Baby Brutalised
Now Comes Gone And Gotcha Back Again
And I Can't Cry
I Can't Cry
Baby Baby
Naked As The Day
We Were Born Tellin' Lies
Well I Feel So Sorry That I can't Cry
Got Caught By Your Own Sweet Trick
I'd Laugh But The Jokes So Sick
What Comes Round
Hits You Like A Stone
Got You're Message And You've Got Some Nerve
Hope You Get Whatever It Is You Deserve
And That's Nothing
Crushed Between The Wheels Of Life
Faith And Love And Lust Collide
Well That's A Funny Way To Be Sanctified
Saying Your Prayers With Your New Best Friends
And I Can't Cry I Can't Cry
Baby Baby Naked As The Day
We Were Born Tellin' Lies
Well I Feel So Sorry That I can't Try
Hey Yeah Hey Yeah Hey Yeah Hey Yeah
Hey Yeah Hey Yeah Yeah
And I Can't Cry Baby Baby Naked As The Day
We Were Born And I Can't Cry
I Can't Cry Baby Baby Naked As The Day
We Were Born Tellin' Lies