Hygena is a brand of fitted kitchen, originally from the United Kingdom. Started in Liverpool in 1925 to make Hoosier cabinets, it was bought by new investors in 1938, who after the war built modular kitchens for the new British post-war temporary prefab houses. With the introduction of design concepts based on the Frankfurt kitchen and new materials such as formica, Hygena became the dominant brand in kitchens from the 1960s through the 1970s. But mass manufacture and a change in styles meant that it ended up as an economy brand in the UK, bought out in the 1980s by MFI Group. As its parent faced financial difficulties in 2000s, they sold the European rights to Nobia, who on MFI's bankruptcy bought the global brand rights. Nobia continue to successfully sell the brand in France today. The brand has now been relaunched in the UK through Homebase and Argos (retailer) stores
The Hygena Cabinet Co. Ltd was established in 1925 in Liverpool by George Nunn and Len Cooklin, to make a variety of the then popular Hoosier cabinets. As the Hoosier dwindled in popularity, so did the company's sales, resulting in the company's going bankrupt in 1938.
Remember us when you hear this song in a hundred years or more
Just think of us as we think about you and you'll see that we're not gone
Smile with us and we'll sing for you
The song will last and we will too
Smile with us and you'll see it's true
The song will last and we will too
Yes we will too
Remember us when you hear this song remember us long gone
Just think about us and we'll think about you united in this song
Love is what matters the power that gathers
Love is what matters the power that gathers