Human 2.0
Behind The Scenery
Are you the pure-blind philosopher who can see clearly?
The ruin and stagnation of our tired society
The birth of a better race without all
Present stains you proclaim
You are just a mortal man who tries
To over strip reality
You reject the obsolete creation
You select the new human version
The philosopher can´t neither read nor write
And so our requirements get out of sight
While he´s performing his gentle genocide
You try to reach perfection by reaching purity
The unnatural selection cultivates humanity
On your crusade to eternity
You are blind
Blind to the errors in your fatal ideology
You think you are immune to morality
Can you deny the natural nativity
On your deformed, on your crippled wings of fantasy
You will conquer the creation, all life and the gravity
What did we see when we looked at him
A mortal man who failed
You reject the obsolete creation