The Hugo Awards are a set of awards given annually for the best science fiction or fantasy works and achievements of the previous year. The awards are named after Hugo Gernsback, the founder of the pioneering science fiction magazine Amazing Stories, and were officially named the Science Fiction Achievement Awards until 1992. Organized and overseen by the World Science Fiction Society, the awards are given each year at the annual World Science Fiction Convention as the central focus of the event. They were first given in 1953, at the 11th World Science Fiction Convention, and have been awarded every year since 1955. Over the years that the award has been given, the categories presented have changed; currently Hugo Awards are given in more than a dozen categories, and include both written and dramatic works of various types.
One of the most prestigious science fiction awards, the Hugo Awards have been termed as "among the highest honors bestowed in science fiction and fantasy writing". Works that have won have been published in special collections, and the official logo of the Hugo Awards is often placed on the winning books' cover as a promotional tool. The 2015 awards were presented at the 73rd Worldcon, Sasquan, in Spokane, United States, on August 22, 2015. The 2016 Hugos will be presented at the 74th Worldcon, MidAmeriCon II, in Kansas City, United States, on August 21, 2016.
We are writing the year 1543 AD, the time the black plaque struck
Agen, here Michael Nostradamus lived with his wife and two children.
He confidently began to treat his felow citizens, but - unfortunately - was
not able to save his family from his old enemy...
The final victory
Has crushed the autumn silence
The vinal victory
Has crushed the autumn silence
Mortius, domine, lux perpetua luceat
Mortius, domine, lux perpetua luceat
Mortius, domine
Viju svet v notschi tumanoi
Ne prognat mne prisrak strany
Svet Negasnusei svetschi
Gorit, Gorit v notschi
So God has found him weeping
And wrath flickered deep withing His eyes
So thy shalt suffer
As long ago the one's been crucified
The keeper of the Lord's mark
Is rising up with this ability
Heavenly damnation