
Hourman (spelled Hour-Man in his earliest appearances, also referred to as the Hour-Man, and the Hourman) is the name of three different fictional DC Comics superheroes, the first of whom was created by Ken Fitch and Bernard Baily in Adventure Comics #48 (April 1940), during the Golden Age of Comic Books.

Fictional character biography

Rex Tyler

Scientist Rex Tyler, raised in upstate New York, developed an affinity for chemistry, particularly biochemistry. Working his way through college, he landed a job researching vitamins and hormone supplements at Bannermain Chemical. A series of discoveries and accidents led him to the "miraculous vitamin" Miraclo. He found that concentrated doses of the "miraclo" given to test mice increased their strength and vitality several times that of normal. After taking a dose himself, Rex found he could have superhuman strength and speed for the hour that the vitamin's effects lasted, before returning to human levels.

Keeping the discovery of Miraclo a secret, Tyler decided that human trials would be limited to the only subject he could trust: himself. Feeling that the Miraclo-induced abilities should be used for good purposes, he decided to use the abilities to help those in need; in other words, he would become a superhero, based in Appleton City. He received his first mission by placing an ad stating that "The Man of The Hour" would help the needy. Tracking down one responder to the ad, he aided a housewife whose husband was falling in with the wrong crowd, and stopped a robbery. Using a costume he found in an abandoned costume shop, he started to adventure as The Hour-Man (later dropping the hyphen). In November 1940 Hourman became one of the founding members of the first superhero team, the Justice Society of America. After leaving the JSA in mid-1941 Tyler became one of Uncle Sam's initial group of Freedom Fighters. He later became part of the wartime All-Star Squadron.

Hourman (android)

Hourman (Matthew Tyler) is a fictional character and superhero who was created by Grant Morrison and Howard Porter. Based upon the Golden Age character Rex Tyler, he first appeared in JLA #12 (November 1997).

Fictional character biography

Creation in the 853rd century

The Hourman of the 853rd century is an android (though he describes himself as an "intelligent machine colony") constructed by Tyler Chemorobotics (formerly TylerCo). Although he is an android, he possesses the full range of emotions and human flaws that an ordinary human does. Nonetheless, the technology with which he was constructed is far advanced beyond anything conceivable in the 20th century.

Why the android was built is unknown, although it seems likely that he was in fact commissioned by the New God Metron, who sought to make it his replacement and apprentice. Rex Tyler (the original Hourman), who served as the biological template for the android, spent some time in the future and was involved in its construction.

Hourman (Rick Tyler)

Hourman (Rick Tyler) is a fictional character, a superhero who was created by Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas and Todd McFarlane and first appeared in Infinity Inc. #20 as Rick Tyler, son of the original Hourman, who quickly joined Infinity Inc. as the second Hourman in #21 of that book.

Fictional character biography


Rick Tyler was born the child of Rex Tyler, who was a successful hero and a business man. However, Rex wasn't a very good father, something he later admitted and regretted. When Rex wasn't spending time with business, he was out doing his superhero work, as addicted to it as he was to the substance that powered him, Miraclo. This meant that Rick rarely saw his dad, even on his birthdays, and eventually Rex wasn't even sure of the age of his son.

It was no surprise that although Rick would develop into a well-balanced teen, he was consistently looking for his father's guidance and approval. Yet, Rex could not see the role model Rick really needed, and he tried to push Rick's education to its limits, an endeavor that Rick didn't wish to pursue, and he constantly felt inferior to his father.



I'm Still Missing You

by: Harmony

I'm still missing you so
More than ever now
I want you to come back to me
No more happiness for me
Since you've been gone
I can't get over you
No matter what you say or do
If you come back to me
I'll love you more than I should
I'd love you endlessly
You know I would
I'm still missing you so
More than ever now
I want you to come back to me
You left me feeling lonely
I can't go on
Without your love I feel
All hope is gone
I can't even shut my eyes
All I see is you
And when I'm lost in thought
I still hear your gentle voice
I'm still missing you so
More than ever now
I want you to come back to me
How could I have let you
Leave my life
I should have stopped you going
I'll regret it for life
I took your love for granted
But I'm so sorry now
I still miss you baby
Come back and it'll be fine
I'm still missing you so
More than ever now
I want you to come back to me
I'm still missing you so
More than ever now
