Horace See (1835-1909) was an American mechanical engineer, inventor, and superintendent, known as President of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in the year 1888-89.
See started his career as mechanical engineer in machine shops, and shipbuilder shops. He became superintendent of George Snyder Machine Works in Philadelphia, and after his service in the Civil War, he became superintendent of engineering at Cramp and Sons in Philadelphia. He was Presidents of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in the year 1888-89.
Quintus Horatius Flaccus (December 8, 65 BC – November 27, 8 BC), known in the English-speaking world as Horace (/ˈhɒrəs/ or /ˈhɔːrəs/), was the leading Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus (also known as Octavian). The rhetorician Quintillian regarded his Odes as just about the only Latin lyrics worth reading: "He can be lofty sometimes, yet he is also full of charm and grace, versatile in his figures, and felicitously daring in his choice of words."
Horace also crafted elegant hexameter verses (Sermones and Epistles) and caustic iambic poetry (Epodes). The hexameters are amusing yet serious works, friendly in tone, leading the ancient satirist Persius to comment: "as his friend laughs, Horace slyly puts his finger on his every fault; once let in, he plays about the heartstrings".
His career coincided with Rome's momentous change from Republic to Empire. An officer in the republican army defeated at the Battle of Philippi in 42 BC, he was befriended by Octavian's right-hand man in civil affairs, Maecenas, and became a spokesman for the new regime. For some commentators, his association with the regime was a delicate balance in which he maintained a strong measure of independence (he was "a master of the graceful sidestep") but for others he was, in John Dryden's phrase, "a well-mannered court slave".
Horace is a Latin male given name. The most famous person bearing the name was the Roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65 BC-8 BC).
Horace may refer to:
Family Guy is an American animated adult comedy created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. Characters are listed only once, normally under the first applicable subsection in the list; very minor characters are listed with a more regular character with whom they are associated.
Peter Griffin (voiced by Seth MacFarlane) is the patriarch of the Griffin household, an Irish-American blue-collar worker. He is a lazy, immature, obese, laid-back, dim-witted, outspoken, eccentric alcoholic. Peter's jobs have included working at the Happy Go Lucky Toy Factory, working as a fisherman, and currently working at Pawtucket Brewery.
Lois Patrice Griffin (née Pewterschmidt) (voiced by Alex Borstein) is Peter's wife and the mother of Meg, Chris, and Stewie. She is a Scots/Anglo American housewife who cares for her kids and her husband, while also teaching children to play the piano. She is also very flirtatious and has slept with numerous people on the show; her past promiscuous tendencies and her hard-core recreational drug-use are often stunning but overlooked.
I got me some horses to ride on to ride on
They say that your demons can't go there
So I got me some horses to ride on to ride on
as long as your army keeps perfectly still
And maybe I'll find me a sailor a tailor
and maybe together we'll make mother well
So I got me some horses to ride on to ride on
as long as your army keeps perfectly still
You showed me the meadow and Milkwood and Silkwood
and you would if I would but you never would
so I chased down your posies your pansies in my hosies
then opened my hands and they were empty then
Off with superfly sniffing a Sharpie pen
Honey it's Bill and Ben
Off with superfly counting your bees
oh me honey like one two three
The camera is rolling
It's easy like one two three
And if there is a way to find you
I will find you
but will you find me if Neil
makes me a tree an afro a pharaoh
I can't go you said so
and threads that are golden don't break easily
So I got me some horses to ride on to ride on
They say that your demons can't go there
So I got me some horses to ride on to ride on
as long as your army keeps perfectly still
keeps perfectly still
keeps perfectly still