
A kiln is a thermally insulated chamber, a type of oven, that produces temperatures sufficient to complete some process, such as hardening, drying, or chemical changes. Various industries and trades use kilns to harden objects made from clay into pottery, tiles and bricks. Various industries use rotary kilns for pyroprocessing—to calcinate ores, produce cement, lime, and many other materials.

Uses of kilns

The earliest known kiln dates to around 6000 BC, and was found at the Yarim Tepe site in modern Iraq.Neolithic kilns were able to produce temperatures greater than 900 °C (1652 °F). Uses include:

  • Annealing, fusing and deforming glass, or fusing metallic oxide paints to the surface of glass
  • Ceramics
  • Brickworks
  • Smelting ore to extract metal
  • Heating limestone with clay in the manufacture of Portland cement, the Cement kiln
  • Heating limestone to make quicklime or calcium oxide, the Lime kiln
  • Heating gypsum to make plaster of Paris
  • For cremation (at high temperature)
  • Drying of tobacco leaves
  • Drying malted barley for brewing and other fermentations
  • Kiln (band)

    Kiln (often typeset as KILN) is a Michigan-based Ambient trio that is a reincarnation of ambient group Fibreforms.


  • Treedrums as Fibreforms (Earthtone, 1996)
  • Earthtone Colectiv 7" as Fibreforms w/ Owleye and Waterwheel (Earthtone/Mind Expansion, 1996)
  • Panchroma as Waterwheel (Alley Sweeper, 1997)
  • Stone EP as Fibreforms (Roomtone, 1997)
  • Kiln EP (Roomtone, 1997)
  • Holo (Thalassa, 1998)
  • Ampday (Thalassa, 2000)
  • Thermals (Self-released, 2001; Infraction re-release, 2005)
  • Sunbox (Ghostly International, 2004)
  • Twinewheel - Lost-Sides and Dusty-Gems 1994-2005 (Division Sound, 2005)
  • Holo [Re/Lux] (Re-release, independent, 2007)
  • Vaporbend EP (Ghostly International, 2007)
  • Dusker (Ghostly International, 2007)
  • meadow:watt (Ghostly International, 2013)
  • Line-up

    Kevin Hayes - drums, sampling
    Kirk Marrison - treated guitar, acoustic guitar, effect loops, keyboard
    Clark Rehberg III - treated guitar, effect loops

    Brady Kish - bass guitar, double bass (session musician)

    In Media

    Kiln was mentioned in a Radiolab music special on May 14, 2008.

    Kiln (poem)

    The Kiln (Ancient Greek: Κάμινος, Kaminos), or Potters (Κεραμεῖς, Kerameis), is a 23-line hexameter poem that was variously attributed to Homer or Hesiod during antiquity, but is not considered the work of either poet by modern scholars. The poem constitutes an appeal to Athena to grant success to certain unnamed potters if they pay for the poet's song, followed by a series of curses to be enacted should they not reimburse him.


    Although the Kiln is printed among the Hesiodic fragments, there is little reason to assume that it was widely attributed to Hesiod. In discussing a word for "basket" known as a κάναστρον (kanastron), Pollux cites the third verse of the poem, calling it the Potters and giving a tentative ascription to Hesiod:

    The other witnesses to the poem all belong to the Homeric biographical tradition, and it seems that the Kiln was composed during the 6th or 5th century BCE as part of a lost work on Homer that predates the surviving texts. According to the pseudo-Herodotean Life of Homer, the great bard was traveling through the eastern Mediterranean and happened to land on the island of Samos. While there he encountered a group of potters who, aware of his fame, offered Homer some of their wares and whatever else that had on hand if he would sing for them. In response, Homer sang the Kiln.

