Hochgeboren is a form of address for the titled members of the higher German and Austrian nobility, ranking just below the sovereign and mediatised dynasties. It can be translated into High-born or of High Birth.
The correct term for immediate counts (Reichsgrafen) is Erlaucht ("Illustrious Highness"), while the proper form of address for princes (Fürsten) and dukes (Herzog) is Durchlaucht ("Serene Highness").
Lower form of address
The title should not be confused with (Euer) Hochwohlgeboren, which ranks lower, and is the correct form of address for German barons (Freiherren) and knights (Ritter) ; or (Euer) Wohlgeboren, which ranks lower than Hochwohlgeboren, and is the address for a Vogt or Büttel.