Histidinemia, also referred to as histidinuria, is a rare autosomal recessive metabolic disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme histidase. Histidase is needed for the metabolism of the amino acid histidine. Although originally thought to be linked to multiple developmental disorders histidinemia is now accepted as a relatively benign disorder, leading to a reduction in the prevalence of neonatal screening procedures.
Histidinemia is a rare autosomal recessive disorder. However, histidinemia is considered the most prevalent inborn error of metabolism with a reported incidence of 1:8600 (Quebec); 1:180,000 (New York) and 1:9600 (Japan); and an average of 1:12,000 observed in the neonatal screening of over 20 million newborns.
Diagnosis and symptoms
Histidenemia is characterized by increased levels of histidine, histamine and imidazole in blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid. This also results in decreased levels of the metabolite urocanic acid in blood, urine, and skin cells. In Japan, neonatal screening was previously performed on infants within 1 month of birth; infants demonstrating a blood histidine level of 6 mg/dl or more underwent careful testing as suspected histidinemia cases. A typical characteristic of histidinemia is an increase in the blood histidine levels from normal levels (70-120 μM) to an elevated level (290-1420 μM). Further testing includes: observing histidine as well as imidazolepyruvic acid metabolites in the urine. However, neonatal urine testing has been discontinued in most places, with the exception of Quebec.