The character of Hip Flask first appeared in a number of advertisements for Comicraft comic book fonts in the late 1990s in which he was originally depicted as a private detective (this has since changed in the pages of his own comics). The character was created by Starkings when he failed to receive authorization from Marvel or DC Comics to use their characters in his Comicraft ads. He later graduated to his own series of one-shots by writers Richard Starkings, Joe Casey and artist Ladrönn.
His strip adventures have placed him firmly in the science fictiongenre, in a dystopian future (2262). Much of the imagery of Hip Flask's world is reminiscent of the movie Blade Runner, especially as both are set in Los Angeles. The comics have been published once every one or two years, with three issues available as of July 2006.
Other items up for grabs include a hip flask used by RoseTaylor (Christine Tremarco), with the publication stating that six bidders are already battling it out, bringing the price to £12.50 so far ... Read More ... eBayCoronation StreetEmmerdale. .
Other items up for grabs include a hip flask used by RoseTaylor (Christine Tremarco), with the publication stating that six bidders are already battling it out, bringing the price to £12.50 so far ... 'I wasn't asked!' ... In January, a source told The Sun.