A hill town is any citadel town built upon hills to make invasion difficult. Often protected by defensive walls, steep embankments, or cliffs, such hilltop settlements provided natural defenses for their inhabitants.
In Europe, especially in Italy, Spain, Portugal and southern France, such towns were common.
The Spanish even brought the traditional European hill town to the Americas, a notable example being the 16th century Mexican hill town of Guanajuato. However, fortified hill towns were by no means solely a European creation. For instance, Incan fortified hill towns predated the arrival of the Spanish by many centuries and rival those of Europe. Machu Picchu, an Incan hill town completed in the mid-15th century in Peru, although now in ruins, is considered perhaps the most beautiful hill town ever constructed. Construction of fortified hill towns was common in many civilizations. Ancient examples can also be found in Africa and Asia.
Around the world, the most famous examples are the hilltowns of Darjeeling and Simla.
The first European land exploration of Alta California, the Spanish Portolá expedition, camped on the Salinas River in this vicinity on September 30, 1769, having followed the river from the south for several days. From this camp, the scouts went out to survey the route ahead and saw Monterey Bay for the first time. Unsure whether the point they could see at the southern end of the bay was the "Point of Pines" described by Sebastian Vizcaino in 1602, Portola decided that the party should investigate.
Hill Town was established at a ford of the Salinas River called Paso del Quinto. Hill Town was the site of one of the first ferries on the Salinas River. The ferry operated until 1889 when a bridge was built across the river. The site is now registered as California Historical Landmark #560.
Women wearing colorful dresses with gold and silver jewelry and men dressed in traditional outfits with wide belts and turbans danced in the streets of the town and in the hills, Kurdish flags waving above the crowds.
By the time Lincoln left the town in 1837, he was a state legislator and his political career was taking off ... The pedestrian bridge that connects the structure, located down the hill from the town and over a highway, is closed.
Although it's now one of the UK's most iconic seaside towns, Hastings was once just a small fishing village ... The town clerk made the ship into a tourist attraction and visitors were charged to raise money for returning local troops.
Democrats face pushback at town halls ... The Hill ... ▪ The Hill ... Democrats are increasingly feeling the ire of the party’s liberal base over their response to the Trump administration at their town halls, The Hill’s JuliaManchester reports.
Geordin Hill-Lewis, Mayor of Cape Town, said water was the lifeblood of the city, its economy, and communities. “It is through collaborative efforts like this that we can secure a sustainable future for Cape Town’s water supply,” Hill-Lewis said.
“Allowing such facilities would violate the sacredness of the TirumalaHills, contradict Hindu traditions, and be detrimental to the spiritual atmosphere of the temple town,” the executive officer said.
In a land teeming with copper, this town was founded on gold ... Booms are always followed by the inevitable bust, but unlike most of the surrounding towns, Crown King never went belly up ... The Mill eatery is situated high on a hill overlooking the town.