A high IQ society is an organization that limits its membership to people who have attained a specified high score on an IQ test. The oldest, largest, and best-known such society is Mensa International, which was founded by Roland Berrill and Dr. Lancelot Ware in 1946. Other early societies are Intertel, founded by Ralph Haines in 1966; the Triple Nine Society, founded in 1978; the International High IQ Society (IHIQS), founded in 2000; the Prometheus Society; and the Mega Society.
High IQ societies typically accept a variety of IQ tests for membership eligibility, with some of the tests being tests devised by the organization founders and not validated by psychologists.
The highest reported standard score for most IQ tests is IQ 160, approximately the 99.997th percentile (leaving aside the issue of the considerable error in measurement at that level of IQ on any IQ test). IQ scores above this level are dubious as there are insufficient normative cases upon which to base a statistically justified rank-ordering. High IQ scores are less reliable than IQ scores nearer to the population median.
A society is a group of people involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members. In the social sciences, a larger society often evinces stratification or dominance patterns in subgroups.
Insofar as it is collaborative, a society can enable its members to benefit in ways that would not otherwise be possible on an individual basis; both individual and social (common) benefits can thus be distinguished, or in many cases found to overlap.
A society can also consist of like-minded people governed by their own norms and values within a dominant, larger society. This is sometimes referred to as a subculture, a term used extensively within criminology.
Society is a grouping of individuals which are united by a network of social relations, traditions and may have distinctive culture and institutions.
Society may also refer to:
Society was an 1865 comedy drama by Thomas William Robertson regarded as a milestone in Victorian drama because of its realism in sets, costume, acting and dialogue. Unusually for that time, Robertson both wrote and directed the play, and his innovative writing and stage direction inspired George Bernard Shaw and W. S. Gilbert.
The play originally ran at the Prince of Wales's Theatre, Liverpool, under the management of Mr A. Henderson, opening on 8 May 1865. It was recommended to Effie Wilton, the manager of the Prince of Wales's Theatre in London's West End, by H. J. Byron, where it ran from 11 November 1865 to 4 May 1866 Robertson found fame with his new comedy, which included a scene that fictionalized the Fun gang, who frequented the Arundel Club, the Savage Club, and especially Evans's café, where they had a table in competition with the Punch 'Round table'. The play marked the London debut of Squire Bancroft, who went on to marry Effie Wilton in 1867 and become her co-manager.
Now, don't get me wrong the 10 Commandments is cool,
See once upon a time I too believed in the Golden Rule
Unemployment figures at an all time high
the fair nation dwindled, so the (sauté?) swindle
Got tossed the fuck out the window.
You know what I'm saying?
Kottonmouth kings still blowin smoke rings.
Keep your head up.
It's a high society
It's time for some realization,
Not fueled by media manipulations
But the manifestation of the last generation, legalization
Fuck your pensions if you're paid, pay attention
Teachers of this land, yo your all on detention
You failed to mention about this everyday struggle,
raised me in a bubble but it popped on the double,
Now your in trouble cuz I'm older now I'm bolder now,
Bitch, I'm a soldier now
Been raised to blaze in the sinful place,
Like a greyhound's raised to race, it's a disgrace
I've seen people starved till there no life left,
I've seen heads kicked in for the words that they said
Police crackin skulls with no questions asked,
A suicidal shot from a shotgun blast
It didn't have nothing to do with them ho's that got popped
It didn't have shit to do with the ones that they dropped
It didn't have nothing to do with the land that got stole
believe me motherfucker, I see right through your mind control
I won't drown, drown, drown in your society
High times, it's a high society
Lies, lies everyone keeps tryin me
Why wont they just let me be? It's a high society
First of all lets get it straight, your systems full of shit,
if you say 'In God we trust', your a fuckin hypocrite
Crooked politicians lying out their ass
Money hungry whores behind the doors smokin grass
No trust in the nation, trust in the nation
Spending all the money on the fucking immigration
Walls caving in it's getting hard to breathe
51-50's what this system's done to me!
Money don't mean shit to me, it grows on evil trees
It breaks up families, it's more like a disease
Cuz it's tension, did I mention it's the governments invention,
Dollar dollar bill ya'll
Currency, a mighty dollar, for 20 bucks,
You can make somebody's daughter suck or hook a holla'
Turn a boy into a baller, watch his chips stack taller,
Dollar dollar bill ya'll
You'll see all or nothin in this game of survival
Gots hustlers holdin on to the scams,
They can (watch?) their bible
But I'm viable for me to stay tribal,
And keep making these flows undeniable
But I'm viable for me to stay tribal,
And keep making these flows undeniable
I won't drown, drown, drown in your society
High times, it's a high society
Lies, lies everyone keeps tryin me
Why wont they just let me be? It's a high society
Now a nation that's stolen, can never be golden
Compassion's gone truant, in this shell of modern ruin.
Modern industry, the industrial complex
A system of no balance, and not enough checks
Disease bred, transmitted through sex
Revelation to fruition
Can you pay the tuition? Can you make the grade ?
Is life really all about getting paid?
Money can't buy nothing buried in a grave
Slave driven, unforgiven
The more you make, the better your livin'
So it's all role-playin, playing roles, grave diggers diggin' holes
Genetics strains, passed down through years of pain
So the cure you seek for the mentally weak is just the norm