Heymeric de Campo
Heymeric de Campo (1395–1460) was a Dutch theologian and scholastic philosopher. He was a prominent Albertist, and forerunner of Nicholas of Cusa. He studied at the University of Paris, and taught at Cologne (where Nicholas studied under him), and Leuven.
His Tractatus Problematicus began a series of polemical exchanges between the Albertists and the Thomists. The first part deals with universals, following closely John de Nova Domo, Heymeric's teacher. A belated reply was made on behalf of the Thomists by Gerard de Monte.
He wrote a commentary on the Apocalypse.
Maarten Hoenen, Academics and Intellectual Life in the Low Countries: The University Career of Heymeric de Campo (†1460), Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 61 (1994), 173–209
Hoenen, Denys the Carthusian and Heymeric de Campo on the Pilgrimages of Children to Mont-Saint-Michel (1458), Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge 61 (1994), 387–418
Anna Fredriksson Adman (2003), Heymericus de Campo: Dyalogus Super Reuelacionibus Beate Birgitte: A Critical Edition with an Introduction