Johannes Hevelius (Polish: Jan Heweliusz; (1611-01-28)28 January 1611 – 28 January 1687) was a councillor and mayor of Danzig (Gdańsk), then part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. As an astronomer he gained a reputation as "the founder of lunar topography" and described ten new constellations, seven of which are still recognized by astronomers.
According to the Polish Academy of Sciences (1975) the origin of the name goes back to the surname Hawke, a historical alternative spelling for the English word hawk, which changed into Hawelke or Hawelecke. In Poland he is known as Jan Heweliusz, According to Patrick Moore Hevelius is a Latinised version of the name Hewelcke other versions of the name include Hewel, Hevel, Hevelke or Hoefel, Höwelcke, Höfelcke. According to Feliks Bentkowski (1814) during his early years he also signed as Hoefelius, B.G. Teubner (1903) reports, next to the usage of the Latinised version, Hevelius' signature as Johannes Höffelius Dantiscanus in 1631 and Hans Höwelcke in 1639.
Hevelius is a low-rimmed lunar crater that lies at the western edge of the Oceanus Procellarum, named after the astronomer Johannes Hevelius. The smaller but prominent crater Cavalerius is joined to the northern rim by low ridges. Due south of Hevelius is the crater Lohrmann and the dark-hued Grimaldi.
Only a low, eroded rim of Hevelius rises above the surface. The western wall is overlain by several small impacts. The flat floor of the crater has been flooded by lava, and is now cross-crossed by a system of small clefts named the Rimae Hevelius. There is a low, one-km-high central peak offset to the northwest of the midpoint. The northeastern part of the interior is more irregular and contains a straight ridge running toward the southeast. Along the northwest floor, near the inner wall, is a small crater.
This feature is sometimes referred to as Hevel, the astronomer's name in German (Hevelius is a Latinized form).
By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Hevelius.