Herbstein is a small town in the Vogelsbergkreis in Hesse, Germany.
The spa town of Herbstein lies on the eastern slope of the Vogelsberg Mountains. in Germany.
Herbstein borders in the north on the community of Lautertal and the community of Wartenberg, in the east on the communities of Großenlüder and Hosenfeld (both in Fulda district), in the south on the community of Grebenhain, and in the west on the town of Schotten.
The town consists of the main town of Herbstein and also the outlying centres of Altenschlirf, Lanzenhain, Schlechtenwegen, Steinfurt, Rixfeld, Schadges and Stockhausen.
The last named community, Stockhausen, is particularly old, having had its first documentary mention in 882 when it was identified as a fief of the Fulda Abbey. It is believed, however, to date back much further than that.
Herbstein had its first documentary mention in 1011 in a donation document from the monastery at Fulda. In 1262, Herbstein was granted town rights. Until 1802 the town belonged to the Princely Abbey (Fürstabtei) of Fulda. There followed a short time of changing leadership until the town passed to the Grand Duchy of Hesse in 1810.