Heparin is a widely used injectable blood thinner. It is used to treat and prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism (collectively known as venous thromboembolism) and is also used as part of the treatment of myocardial infarction and unstable angina. Heparin is used on the inside surfaces of various devices such as test tubes and kidney dialysis machines.
Common side effects include bleeding, pain at the injection site, and low blood platelets. Serious side effects include heparin induced thrombocytopenia. Greater care is needed in those with poor kidney function. Heparin appears to be safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is a naturally occurring glycosaminoglycan.
Heparin's normal role in the body is unclear. Heparin is usually stored within the secretory granules of mast cells and released only into the vasculature at sites of tissue injury. It has been proposed that, rather than anticoagulation, the main purpose of heparin is defense at such sites against invading bacteria and other foreign materials. In addition, it is observed across a number of widely different species, including some invertebrates that do not have a similar blood coagulation system. It is a highly sulfated glycosaminoglycan. It has the highest negative charge density of any known biological molecule. In nature, heparin is a polymer of varying chain size. Unfractionated heparin (UFH) as a pharmaceutical is heparin that has not been fractionated to sequester the fraction of molecules with low molecular weight. In contrast, low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) has undergone fractionation for the purpose of making its pharmacodynamics more predictable. Often either UFH or LMWH can be used; in some situations one or the other is preferable.
I Fell In Love From The Get Go Start
I Built A Dream In My Own Back Yard
But I Didn't Know Then
But I Know Everything
I Took A Cure When When I Knew The Cause
I Put Faith In Someone That I Shouldn't Of
It Must Have Been You
Made Me Open Mesmerised
The Sun And Moon Just Vapourised
Well You Left Me Baby Brutalised
Now Comes Gone And Gotcha Back Again
And I Can't Cry
I Can't Cry
Baby Baby
Naked As The Day
We Were Born Tellin' Lies
Well I Feel So Sorry That I can't Cry
Got Caught By Your Own Sweet Trick
I'd Laugh But The Jokes So Sick
What Comes Round
Hits You Like A Stone
Got You're Message And You've Got Some Nerve
Hope You Get Whatever It Is You Deserve
And That's Nothing
Crushed Between The Wheels Of Life
Faith And Love And Lust Collide
Well That's A Funny Way To Be Sanctified
Saying Your Prayers With Your New Best Friends
And I Can't Cry I Can't Cry
Baby Baby Naked As The Day
We Were Born Tellin' Lies
Well I Feel So Sorry That I can't Try
Hey Yeah Hey Yeah Hey Yeah Hey Yeah
Hey Yeah Hey Yeah Yeah
And I Can't Cry Baby Baby Naked As The Day
We Were Born And I Can't Cry
I Can't Cry Baby Baby Naked As The Day
We Were Born Tellin' Lies