Henry Jones (1721-1770), born in Ireland, was a poet and dramatist active in London.
Jones was born at Beaulieu, near Drogheda, co. Louth, in 1721. He was apprenticed to a bricklayer, but contrived to study privately. Some complimentary verses which he addressed to the corporation of Drogheda and some lines "On Mr. Pope's Death", attracted the attention of Lord-chief-justice Singleton, who lived at Beaulieu.
In 1745 he obtained employment in the reparation of the parliament house at Dublin, Jones celebrated the arrival of Lord Chesterfield as lord-lieutenant of Ireland in a poem which was presented to Chesterfield by Singleton. Chesterfield rewarded Jones liberally, and, at his request, Jones followed him to London in 1748. With the assistance of Chesterfield and his friends, Jones published by subscription Poems on Several Occasions, 8vo, London, 1749, from which he derived a handsome profit. He finished about the end of 1752 his tragedy, The Earl of Essex. Chesterfield warmly commended it to Colley Cibber. The latter introduced Jones to the manager of Covent Garden Theatre, and showed his regard for him by making efforts at court to secure the laureateship for Jones after his own death.
Henry Jones may refer to:
B'nai B'rith International (English pronunciation: /bəˌneɪ ˈbrɪθ/, from Hebrew: בני ברית b'né brit, "Children of the Covenant") is the oldest Jewish service organization in the world. B'nai B'rith states that it is committed to the security and continuity of the Jewish people and the State of Israel and combating antisemitism and bigotry. Its mission is to unite persons of the Jewish faith and to enhance Jewish identity through strengthening Jewish family life, to provide broad-based services for the benefit of senior citizens, and to facilitate advocacy and action on behalf of Jews throughout the world.
Although the organization's historic roots stem from a system of fraternal lodges and units in the late 20th century, as fraternal organizations declined throughout the United States, the organization evolved into a dual system of both lodges and units. The membership pattern became more common to other contemporary organizations of members affiliated by contribution in addition to formal dues paying members. In recent years, the organization reported more than 200,000 members and supporters in more than 50 countries and a budget of $14,000,000. Nearly 95% of the membership is in the United States.
Henry Louis Jones (born December 29, 1967 in St. Louis, Missouri) is a former American football Safety in the National Football League. He played for the Buffalo Bills (1991–2000), the Minnesota Vikings (2001), and the Atlanta Falcons (2002).
In just his second year in the NFL, Jones was a Pro Bowl selection as he led the league along with Minnesota's Audray McMillian with 8 interceptions.
Jones's superb season in 1992. In the 10 following seasons, he recorded just 10 more total interceptions. He retired after the 2002 season with 18 career interceptions, which he returned for 455 yards and 4 touchdowns. He also recorded 5 sacks, 9 fumble recoveries, 14 fumble return yards, and 41 kickoff return yards.