
In Egyptian mythology, Hemen was a falcongod.

Places of worship

Often worshipped as a divine entity unified with Horus,as Horus-Hemen lord of Asphynis or Horakhte-Hemen of Hefat W. M. Flinders Petrie refers to Hemen as a god of Tuphium. Hemen is also used for the name of a town of ancient Egypt (as mentioned by Flinders Petrie during his studies of Abydos).

Some examples of artifacts containing references to Hemen

Hemen is mentioned in a limited number of inscriptions and texts. Some of these include:

  • In the Pyramid Texts, Utterance 231.
  • Ankhtifi, a monarch dated to the first intermediate period, is shown inspecting a fleet, killing a hippopotamus in Hefat during festivities and offering the hippopotamus to Hemen.
  • A round topped stela from the 13th dynasty invokes Ptah-Sokari-Osiris and Horus-Hemen lord of Asphynis. The stela was formerly in the V. Golenishchev collection, but is now in Moscow, in the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts.
  • The chief sculptor Userhat who lived at the end of the 18th dynasty / beginning 19th dynasty mentions "causing cult statues to rest in their shrine". Hemen of Hefat is one of the gods listed among those Userhat was responsible for.
  • Podcasts:


    Sabbath Day

    by: Hymn

    Sabbath day of rest and cheer!
    Day divine, to me so dear!
    Come, O come to old and young,
    Gath'ring all for prayer and song.
    Now the week of toil is o'er,
    And in peace we sit once more
    At our Father's ample board,
    Listening to His gracious Word.
    Lord, our God, we seek Thy face,
    Bless us with Thy saving grace;
    May Thy heralds everywhere
    Clear Thy Gospel truth declare.
    Let Thy mighty Word hold sway
    Over men on earth today;
    Our poor souls, good Shepherd, feed,
    Into pastures green us lead.
    May, O Lord, the day be near,
    When we pass from trials here
    Into Thine eternal rest,
