Contrary may refer to:
Contrary is the relationship between two propositions when they cannot both be true (although both may be false). Thus, we can make an immediate inference that if one is true, the other must be false.
The law holds for the A and E propositions of the Aristotelian square of opposition. For example, the A proposition 'every man is honest' and the E proposition 'no man is honest' cannot both be true at the same time, since no one can be honest and not honest at the same time. But both can be false, if some men are honest, and some men are not. For if some men are honest, the proposition 'no man is honest' is false. And if some men are not honest, the proposition 'every man is honest' is false also.
Contrary was a character from Malibu Comics' Ultraverse. She was created by Gerard Jones and Martin Egeland and first appeared in the series Freex, though she was better known as the founder of Ultraforce.
Though it has never been truly confirmed, it is heavily implied in Freex that the nurse nicknamed "Wetware Mary" (the one responsible for creating the Freex and other superhuman Ultras by injecting babies with nanotechnology) was the same woman who would eventually become Contrary. Both were humans who had access to the advanced technology of the Fire People, and both manipulated people in various ways for their own agendas.
Contrary was first seen (under that name) as leader of the Academy of the New Elite, a small group of teenage Ultras (including Feline and Flygirl) living inside a high-tech base hidden in Mount Shasta. She arranges events so that the Freex (the presumed result of her genetic tampering) would find their way to Mt. Shasta and engage in combat with the Academy trainees, just so she could observe their powers and fighting abilities. When the Freex proved more capable than she thought, they escape, even convincing one of Contrary's Academy students (Cayman) to leave with them. Boomboy, one of the group, stays behind in order to gain an education. Needless to say, Contrary was quite furious at Cayman leaving.