Healing Revival
The Healing Revival is a term used by many American Charismatics in reference to a revival movement in the late 1940s and 1950s. It was concurrent with, and in some ways more broad than, the more well known evangelical revival led by Billy Graham.
Oral Roberts was perhaps the leading figure of the movement, and the one to leave the biggest legacy, including the university bearing his name. William Branham is widely regarded as the initiator and the pacesetter of the revival. Referring to Branham’s first series of meetings in St Louis’ in June 1946, Krapohl & Lippy have commented: "Historians generally mark this turn in Branham’s ministry as inaugurating the modern healing revival". Branham was the source of inspiration for T. L. Osborn's worldwide crusade ministry and dozens of other smaller ministries involved in the Healing Revival. Other major figures of the revival were Jack Coe and later A. A. Allen. Many of these ministries shared their healing testimonies in The Voice of Healing, a periodical published by Gordon Lindsay, which created cohesion for the group in its nascent years.