He (surname)
He () or Ho is the Romanised transliteration of several Chinese family names.
Of these family names, 何 (Pinyin:
Hé) is the most common at 17th (14 million, according to 2012 survey) and 贺 (Traditional: 賀; Pinyin: Hè) is the second most common at 71st in the list of the top 100 most common Chinese family names. Other less common family names include 河 (Pinyin: Hé), 佫 (Pinyin: Hé), and 赫 (Pinyin: Hè).
A common alternative spelling of this surname is Ho, the Mandarin Wade-Giles romanization and the Cantonese romanization of several Chinese family names.
In Vietnam, the equivalent surname is Hà or Ha. Not be confused with Hu surname in Vietnamese, it's literally called Hồ. In Korea, the equivalent surname is Ha.
origin from Ji clan of Zhou Dynasty, and Jiang clan of Yandi
Notable people
Ho Feng Shan (何鳳山) was a Chinese diplomat who saved a large number of Jews during World War II, known as "China's Schindler"
He Jifeng (何積豐) is a Chinese computer scientist
He Kexin (何可欣) Chinese Olympic gymnast