Haxtur Award
The Haxtur Award (Premios Haxtur) is a Spanish award for comics published in Spain. It is awarded annually at the Salón Internacional del Cómic del Principado de Asturias (International Comics Convention of the Principality of Asturias). It takes its name from the heroic fantasy comics character with the same name, created by Spanish artist Víctor de la Fuente.
Award categories
Awards are made in several categories:
Mejor Historia Larga (Best Long Story), also known as Mejor Historieta Larga (Best Long Comic)
Mejor Historia Corta (Best Short Story), also known as Mejor Historieta Corta (Best Short Comic)
Mejor Guión (Best Script)
Mejor Dibujo (Best Drawing)
Mejor Portada (Best Cover, since 1989)
Mejor Editorial (Best Publisher, every 5–10 years since 1997
Haxtur al Humor (Haxtur for Humor, since 2000)
Autor que Amamos ("Author That We Loved", homenaje a la carrera de algún prestigioso creador; added in 1986)
Finalista más Votado (Finalist with the Most Votes, since 1990)
Special John Buscema Award, awarded in 2002 and 2004