Haweswater is a reservoir in the English Lake District, built in the valley of Mardale in the county of Cumbria. The controversial construction of the Haweswater dam started in 1929, after Parliament passed an Act giving the Manchester Corporation permission to build the reservoir to supply water for Manchester. At the time, there was public outcry about the decision, as the valley of Mardale was populated by the farming villages of Measand and Mardale Green and the construction of the reservoir would mean that these villages would be flooded and lost and the population would have to be moved. In addition, the valley was considered one of the most picturesque in Westmorland and many people thought it should be left alone.
Originally, Haweswater was a natural lake about four kilometres long, almost divided in two by a tongue of land at Measand; the two reaches of the lake were known as High Water and Low Water. The building of the dam raised the water level by 29 metres (95 feet) and created a reservoir six kilometres (four miles) long and around 600 metres (almost half a mile) wide. The dam wall measures 470 metres long and 27.5 metres high; at the time of construction it was considered to be cutting-edge technology as it was the first hollow buttress dam in the world, being constructed using 44 separate buttressed units joined by flexible joints. There is a parapet, 1.4 metres (56 inches) wide, running the length of the dam and from this, tunnelled supplies can be seen entering the reservoir from the adjoining valleys of Heltondale and Swindale. When the reservoir is full, it holds 84 billion litres (18.6 billion gallons) of water. The reservoir is now owned by United Utilities plc and plays a vital role in supplying about 25% of the North West's water supply.
Ja svoje loše dane
Volim gristi sam
Piti i lutati po kr
esto stignem samo
Do njenog pogleda
Ena je divna žena
Ena dobro zna
Da takvi dani svrše s gužvama
Zato me zove k sebi
Da bi mi pomogla
Ja Ena nisam tvoj sin
Zapamti to
To možeš raditi s njim
Za mene je ve kasno
Znam da bi Ena htjela
Da sam stalno njen
Valjda jer tako
esto nestanem
Ona me uvijek ima u
Svojim mislima
A kad joj zelim reci
Da je bolji kraj
Od naših bjegova i zasjeda
Ena me samo gleda
I kaže ne ne ne
I ne idi bez kaputa
Pogledaj sve je bijelo
Zima je
Ja Ena nisam tvoj sin
Zapamti to
To možeš raditi s njim
Za mene je ve kasno
Prošlo je dugo vrijeme
I daleki bijeg
I mada nemam
ak ni imena
esto sretnem Enu
U svojim snovima
Kad svoje loše dane
Ovdje grizem sam
I sretnem putnike po kr
Ja pitam da l' je znaju
I je li ponosna
Kažu da još je lijepa
I da ima stav
ak i kad je vesela
Opaze plavu sjenu
U crnim o
Ja Ena nisam tvoj sin
Zapamti to
To možeš raditi s njim
Za mene je ve kasno
Do mene nema puta
Pogledaj sve je bijelo