Haurania is an elongated, finely agglutinated benthic foraminifera included in the Spirocyclinidae. The test is free, starting with a brief planispiral coil followed by a straight uncoiled stage. The exterior is imperforate, the interior divided by radial septula or beams, pertendicular to the septa and outer wall. The aperture is cribrate, a series of openings on the terminal face.
This genus is known from the lower and middle Jurassic of China, Iraq, and Morocco.
And so we came riding end with us, we came with Pain, Hunger, with Death.
And over the soil was cast coldness, unlight and vanishing life.
Your time is over.
Ours is in beginning and soon it shall ever be.
Your end will come always again, yours is the eternal death.
We hate you, your belief!
We smash you into ground, we crush your weak race!
So shall always be.
We burn your Father’s churches.
We burn them down.
We exterminate the christian “plague” for all time.
And we look into past, enjoying your pain, we enjoyed christian death,