The Hauksbók (Book of Haukr), Reykjavík, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar AM 371 4to, AM 544 4to and AM 675 4to, is an Icelandic manuscript, now in three parts but originally one, dating from the 14th century. Palaeographical evidence allowed Professor Stefán Karlsson, director of the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, to date the manuscript to between 1302 and 1310. It is now fragmentary, with significant portions being lost.
Hauksbók is associated with an Icelandic lawspeaker named Haukr Erlendsson: although the work of several scribes, the vast majority is in Haukr's hand. As long back as it is possible to trace the manuscript it has been called the Hauksbók after him. Hauksbók is a compilation that includes Icelandic sagas and a redaction of the Landnámabók. The book contains versions, sometimes the only extant versions, of many Old Icelandic texts, such as the Fóstbrœðra saga, the Eiríks saga rauða, the Hervarar saga and the Völuspá. Haukr tended to rewrite the sagas that he copied, generally shortening them.