The first "Hatteras Inlet" was formed south of the current inlet, but closed around 1764. The modern "Hatteras Inlet" was formed on September 7, 1846 by a violent gale. This was the same storm that opened present-day Oregon Inlet to the north. This became a profitable inlet, because it gave the Inner Banks, NC a quicker and easier way to travel to and from the Gulf Stream. It was easier to come into this inlet from the north. Because of the increase of commerce, Hatteras VillagePost Office was established in 1858. The initial invasion of the North Carolina coast, on Hatteras Island, during the Civil War called Battle of Hatteras Inlet Batteries came from Hatteras Inlet. The two Confederateforts guarding the inlet quickly fell.
Are we ready for a bird flu pandemic? ... After receiving some worrying reports from boaters, officials with the N.C.WildlifeResources Commission decided in early March to pay a visit to tiny Cora June Island near the mouth of Hatteras Inlet ...
Cape Hatteras National Seashore had 2,762,954 visitors last ... 186,228 vehicles were transported by the North CarolinaFerryDivision across Hatteras Inlet last year, down from 202,836 (-8.2%) in 2023.
A team of local fishermen made waves on Saturday when they reeled in a 12 to 13-foot great white shark from a Hatteras Island shoreline ... “It’s somewhere south of the Bonner Bridge, and north of Hatteras Inlet,” said Rothermel.
With a number of Hatteras Inlet projects either cued up or awaiting final permits, the Dare County Waterways Commission on Monday quickly dispensed of its business at a briefer-than-usual meeting at the Dare County administrative building in Manteo.
A new report from the National Park Service ranks Cape Hatteras National Seashore as the 35th busiest national park in the country in 2024 ... Cape Hatteras National Seashore saw 2,762,954 visitors last ...