Hatice MuazzezHaseki Sultan (Devletlu İsmetlu Hatice (Khadija) Mu’azzez İkinci Haseki Sultânā Aliyyetü'ş-Şân Hazretleri,néeHatice, ca. 1629 – 1687, Mu'azzez, Muazzez meaning "Powerful, strong") was a wife of SultanIbrahim and the mother of SultanAhmed II.
She was the Abazin spouse of Ottoman Sultan Ibrahim and the biological mother of OttomanSultanAhmed II and Fatma Sultan. However, she was not Valide Sultan to her son because she died four years before Ahmed II's accession to the throne in 1687 in Istanbul. She was regarded as the most beautiful wife of Sultan Ibrahim. She was also known for her mild character, since she was not as ambitious for power as Turhan Hatice Sultan, who fought Kösem Sultan and triumphed when Kösem was murdered.