Hostility is seen as form of emotionally charged angry behavior. In everyday speech it is more commonly used as a synonym for anger and aggression.
It appears in several psychological theories. For instance it is a facet of neuroticism in the NEO PI, and forms part of personal construct psychology, developed by George Kelly.
In psychological terms, Kelly considered hostility as the attempt to extort validating evidence to confirm types of social prediction, constructs, that have failed. . Instead of reconstruing their constructs to meet disconfirmations with better predictions, the hostile person attempts to force or coerce the world to fit their view, even if this is a forlorn hope, and even if it entails emotional expenditure and/or harm to self or others. In this sense hostility is a form of psychological extortion - an attempt to force reality to produce the desired feedback, even by acting out in bullying by individuals and groups in various social contexts, in order that preconceptions become ever more widely validated. In this sense, hostility is an alternative response to cognitive dissonance .
To be hostile is a form of angry internal rejection or denial in psychology.
Hostile may also refer to:
Spike, played by James Marsters, is a fictional character created by Joss Whedon for the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Spike is a vampire and played various roles on the shows, including villain, anti-hero, Trickster and lover. For Marsters, the role as Spike began a career in science fiction television, becoming "the obvious go-to guy for US cult [television]". For creator Whedon, Spike is the "most fully developed" of his characters. The character was intended to be a brief villain, with Whedon originally adamant to not have another major "romantic vampire" character like Angel. Marsters says "Spike was supposed to be dirty and evil, punk rock, and then dead." However, the character ended up staying for the second season, and then returning in the fourth to replace Cordelia as "the character who told Buffy she was stupid and about to die."
Le frisson d' un traitre vent murmure son nom
Ses infames litanies que je connais trop
Maais je sais qu il me trompe
Je discerne la marche indigne de l' homme furtif
L'ombre qui distrait et fait craquer les lames
De mon humble et mesprisable chambre sombre
Ou j'expire a la lueur de l' antique flamme
De mes derniers rales d' agonie
Dehors, l' hiver morne est a genoux
Assomme sous les pluies acides
J' al grave la pierre face aux larmes des cierges
Fait danser le miroir brise, harponne les murs
Des griffes de mon soleil noir
Les chevaux d' hades traverseront ta route
Enflammeront tes ruines gerces
Mes griffes ravageront tes chairs
Tu t' effondreras, mon etreinte sur ta nuque
Je mutilerai tes carences
Tes chairs arrachees
Et m' offrirai enfin le reve d' une nuit sans ecume. Flesh hostole
Admirant les pieces eparses
Je murmurerai ton nom aux portes des enfers
Quand l' opale brillera, alors tu seras proche