Hassan-i Sabbāh (Persian: حسن صباح Hasan-e Sabbāh) or Hassan al-Sabbāh (Arabic: حسن الصباح Ḥasan aṣ-Ṣabbāḥ) (1050s-1124) was a Nizārī Ismā‘īlī missionary who converted a community in the late 11th century in the heart of the Alborz Mountains of northern Persia. He later seized a mountain fortress called Alamut and used it as the headquarters for a decentralized Persian insurrection against the dominant Seljuk Turks. He founded a group of fedayeen whose members are often referred to as the Hashshashin, or "Assassins".
Hassan is thought to have written an autobiography, which did not survive but seems to underlie the first part of an anonymous Isma'ili biography entitled Sarguzasht-e Sayyidnā (Persian: سرگذشت سیدنا). The latter is known only from quotations made by later Persian authors. Hassan also wrote a treatise, in Persian, on the doctrine of ta'līm, called, al-Fusul al-arba'a The text is no longer in existence, but fragments are cited or paraphrased by al-Shahrastānī and several Persian historians. He is the original Grand Master creating many of its main principles and foundations.
Hashish hashin, hashish hashin
Hashish hashin, hashish hashin
Hashish hashin, hashish hashin
Black September, Black September
Black September, Black September
Black September, Black September
Black September
Death unto all infidels in oil.
Guide us o thou genie of the smoke.
Lead us to a thousand and one nights.
In the perfumed gardens of delights
Petro dollar, petro dollar
Petro dollar, petro dollar
Petrol d'Allah, petrol d'Allah
Petrol d'Allah
Hashish hashin, hashish hashin
Hashish hashin, hashish hashin
Hashish hashin, hashish hashin
Death unto all infidels in oil.
Guide us o thou genie of the smoke.
Lead us to a thousand and one nights.
In the perfumed garden of
In the perfumed garden of
In the perfumed garden of delights
It is written
It is written
It is written
It is written
It is written
In the soul of the desert
It is written
In signs in the stars
It is written
In the sands of the hour-glass
It is written
It is written
In the eye of the falcon
It is written
In the shade of the scorpion
It is written
In the wealth of the sun
It is written
It is written
Man's truth is a mirage
It is written
That death's an oasis
It is written
For all unbelievers
It is written
It is written
It is written
It is written
It is written
It is written
It is written
It is written
It is written
It is written
Hashish hashin, hashish hashin
Hashish hashin, hashish hashin
Hashish hashin, hashish hashin
Death unto all infidels in oil.
Guide us o thou genie of the smoke.
Lead us to a thousand and one nights.
In the perfumed garden of
In the perfumed garden of