Hashish, or hash, is an extracted product composed of compressed or purified preparations of stalked resin glands, called trichomes, from the cannabis plant. It contains the same active ingredients as marijuana—such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoids—but often in higher concentrations than the unsifted buds or leaves from which marijuana is made.
Hashish may be solid or resinous depending on the preparation; pressed hashish is usually solid, whereas water-purified hashish—often called "bubble melt hash"—is often a paste-like substance with varying hardness and pliability, its color most commonly light to dark brown can vary to seethrough glass varying toward yellow/tan, black or red. This all depends on the process and amount of solvent left over.
The name hashish comes from the Arabic word ( حشيش ) which means grass. It is believed that massive hashish production for international trade originated in Morocco during the 1960s, where the cannabis plant was widely available. Before the coming of the first hippies from the Hippie Hashish Trail, only small pieces of Lebanese hashish were found in Morocco. However, hemp has been reported from a cultural setting on Taiwan as long ago as 10,000 BC., and "[t]he earliest human use of Cannabis appears to have occurred in the steppe regions of Central Asia or in China."
Meanwhile, ASIIrfan Ali arrested Tahir, another drug peddler, after seizing 1100 grams of hashish.</p><p>Cases have been registered against the arrested individuals under the provisions of narcotics at Chenab NagarPolice Station.
... drug trafficker and discovered 22 kg of hashish from his possession in northern Afghanistan's Baghlan province, a senior police officer said Thursday.
During the joint operation, three suspects -- Wasil Khan, Sultan and Gul Zarin involved in drug trafficking -- were arrested, and 142.640 kilograms of hashish, 400 grams of ice, three mobile phones and cash were seized from their possession ... .
</p><p>According to police sources, the police intercepted a passenger bus on GT Road near Attock Khurd, recovering four kilograms of hashish from Asif Mumtaz and his ...
</p><p>The latest operation yielded significant results, with the recovery of 3200 grams of hashish. According to sources of Kohat police, in addition to the hashish, the police also seized ...
... a significant crackdown on narcotics, the local police have arrested two drug peddlers and seized substantial quantities of hashish, liquor, and lahan in separate raids.
The Bombay high court on Tuesday granted bail to the man caught with 24 kg of high-quality hashish, a potent form of cannabis, ... HC grants bail to man who trafficked hashish on family trip to Kashmir.
) 19/February/2025 A criminal organization dedicated to introducing hashish to the coasts of Huelva through recreational boats has been dismantled ... Two double-bottomed vessels and 1,530 kilos of hashish ... 3,360 kilos of hashish and a weapon of war.