Harry Kipling
Harry Kipling is a character in 2000 AD created by Simon Spurrier and Boo Cook. He is a True Brit, trying to survive in a world of rampant Pantheistic solipsism aided only by strong tea and a big gun.
The story takes place in an alternate steampunk version of the British Empire (Neo-Britannia). The Empire has collapsed and every supernatural being has somehow been physically manifested. The various deities and sprites pass their time eating their subjects, squabbling and fighting amongst themselves in hopes of achieving monotheism.
They are fought by a single relic of the NeoBritannia Empire, Harry Kipling. A parody of a traditional Imperial man, he wears a sola topee, uses an elephant gun and drinks earl-grey tea. He lives as a zombie, dedicating his undead existence to the complete eradication of gods - "Proactive Atheism".
In this he's aided by Neesha, a bewildered refugee from a war-torn planet, and Klux, a powerful but unintelligent engine of destruction. In his last adventure to date the Kipling discovered that he is the pawn off an unnamed god who is presumably more powerful than those he's seen before and probably the one who brought him back. It has been suggested that he was using Kipling to exterminate the competition; since finding out, Harry has vowed revenge...