Goliath tracked mine

The Goliath tracked mine - complete German name: Leichter Ladungsträger Goliath (Sd.Kfz. 302/303a/303b) - was a remote controlled German-engineered demolition vehicle, also known as the beetle tank to the Allies.

Employed by the Wehrmacht during World War II. It carried 60 or 100 kilograms (130 or 220 lb) of high explosives, depending on the model, and was intended to be used for multiple purposes, such as destroying tanks, disrupting dense infantry formations, and demolition of buildings and bridges.

Development and use

In late 1940, after recovering the prototype of a miniature tracked vehicle developed by the French vehicle designer Adolphe Kégresse near the Seine, the Wehrmacht's ordnance office directed the Carl F.W. Borgward automotive company of Bremen, Germany to develop a similar vehicle for the purpose of carrying a minimum of 50 kg of explosives. The result was the SdKfz. 302 (Sonderkraftfahrzeug, ‘special-purpose vehicle’), called the Leichter Ladungsträger (‘light charge carrier’), or Goliath, which carried 60 kilograms (130 lb) of explosives. The vehicle was steered remotely via a joystick control box. The control box was attached to the Goliath by a triple-strand cable connected to the rear of the vehicle, for transmitting power to the electric driven version. Two of the strands were used to move and steer the Goliath, while the third was used for detonation. The Goliath had 650 metres (2,130 ft) of cable. Each Goliath was disposable, being intended to be blown up with its target. Early model Goliaths used an electric motor but, as these were costly to make (3000 Reichsmarks) and difficult to repair in a combat environment, later models (known as the SdKfz. 303) used a simpler, more reliable gasoline engine.

List of Predacons

This is a list of the known Predacons from the Transformers fictional universe and toyline.

Generation 1 Predacons


  • Starscream (founder/leader in Dreamwave continuity).
  • Razorclaw - Leader of the Predacons. Beast mode is a lion.
  • Predacons/Predaking

  • Predaking - (The team's combined form.)
  • Razorclaw - Leader of the Predacons. Beast mode is a lion.
  • Rampage - Beast mode is a tiger.
  • Divebomb - Beast mode is an eagle.
  • Headstrong - Beast mode is a rhinoceros.
  • Tantrum - Beast mode is a bull
  • Stunticons/Menasor

  • Motormaster (second-in-command in Dreamwave continuity).
  • Dead End
  • Battlechargers

  • Runabout
  • Runamuck
  • Pretenders

  • Carnivac
  • Skullgrin
  • Snarler
  • Triple Changers

  • Astrotrain
  • Octane
  • Blitzwing
  • Seekers

  • Dirge
  • Duocons

  • Flywheels
  • Monsterbots

  • Grotusque
  • Terrorcons

  • Hun-Gurrr
  • Others

  • Krok
  • Slugslinger
  • Abner Jenkins

    Abner Ronald Jenkins, formerly known as the Beetle, MACH-1, MACH-2, MACH-3, MACH-IV, MACH-V) and currently known as MACH-VII, and is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Jenkins, as the Beetle, made his debut in Strange Tales #123 (August 1964), created by writer Stan Lee artist Carl Burgos. He first appeared as Mach-1 in Incredible Hulk #449 (January, 1997), where the Thunderbolts made their debut.

    Jenkins started out as a gifted aircraft mechanic but grew frustrated with his boring, low paying job and created an armor plated, mechanical suit and embarked on a criminal career as the Beetle. On his first heist he was defeated by Human Torch and Thing from the Fantastic Four. He would later become a regular foe of Spider-Man, often as he worked as a henchman for various criminal organizations. Jenkins later organized his own group of criminals known as the Sinister Syndicate.

    Harmonia (Gelo)

    Harmonia was a young Sicilian woman who was the daughter of Gelo, the son of King Hiero II of Syracuse. She was the wife of Themistius.

    Ancient history records that one day the people of Syracuse rebelled against the royal family. The young king Hiero was murdered along with Themistius and Andronodorus, sons-in-law of Gelo and Hiero. The angry crowd then murdered the wives of Themistius and Andronodorus. Then with drawn swords they attacked the daughters of Hiero, Damarata and Heraclia, killing them both. They then went looking for Harmonia to finish their deeds. With the clever thinking on the part of Harmonia's nurse and protector, she found a girl that was of the same age and looks of Harmonia that was willing to go along with a ruse to protect the life of Harmonia. The nurse dressed her up in royal attire and made ready for the assassins. The girl did not object to the stratagem and was more than willing to sacrifice her life for the royal family princess. When the assassins saw her they quickly finished her off with their daggers and swords. Harmonia watching the murder take place from her safe hiding place had mixed emotions of the event. She was elated by the courage of the girl, but devastated by her death. Harmonia burst into tears and committed suicide.

    Children of Ares

    The Children of Ares are fictional DC Comics characters who are the progeny of the DC deity character Ares/Mars, who is in turn based on the eponymous Greek/Roman deity and who has indeed sired many children in Greek mythological tales. Because Ares was historically depicted as one of the archenemies of the DC superheroine character Wonder Woman, most of his issue are frequently portrayed as her opponents, although a few would play a more benevolent supporting role in her self-titled comic book series.

    Although their DC comics counterparts were never depicted as such in published comic books, Antiope and Hippolyta (the mother of Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman) are in fact the daughters of Ares in real life Greek mythology.


    Golden Age

    In the Golden Age adventures of Wonder Woman, when Ares was primarily known by his Roman name Mars, his chief deputies were his sons: the Duke of Deception, the Earl of Greed, and Lord Conquest who assisted the Axis powers from the planet Mars using their astral powers, (also Count Conquest). Deception's daughter Lya also fought Wonder Woman.

