Haplogroup J-M172
Possible time of origin main}}{{#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}[citation needed]
Possible place of origin Western Asia[1]
Ancestor J-P209
Defining mutations M172
Highest frequencies Ingush 32% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-88.8% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Chechens 55.2%,{{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Georgians 21% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-72%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Iraqis 25% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-43.6% {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}} and {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}, Azeris 24% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-48% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Yagnobis 32%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Lebanese 25% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-30%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Kurds 28%,{{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Syrians 14% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-29%, Turks 13% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-40%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Cypriots 12.9% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-37% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Abkhaz 25% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Balkars 24% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Greeks 10%-48%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Armenians 21% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-24%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Ossetians 16%{{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-24%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Circassians 21.8%,{{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Iranians 22.5% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-25% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Italians 9%-36% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Sephardi Jews 15%{{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-29%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Palestinians 17%{{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-25%, Albanians 16% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-23.5%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Ashkenazi Jews 15% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-24% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Maltese 21%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, North Indian Shia Muslims (Sayyid) 28.7% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, and Kalash people 9.1%.[Footnote 1]

In human genetics, Haplogroup J-M172[Phylogenetics 1] is a Y-chromosome haplogroup which is a subclade (branch) of haplogroup J-P209.[Phylogenetics 2] J-M172 can be classified as Mediterranean/Aegean (Di Giacomo, 2004), Greco-Anatolian, Mesopotamian and/or Caucasian and is linked to the earliest indigenous populations of Anatolia and the Aegean. It was carried by Bronze Age immigrants to Europe, and ultimately descends from the Cro-Magnon population (IJ-M429 Y-DNA) within the region spanning eastern Turkey and Persia around 35,000 years ago {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}.

It is further divided into two complementary clades, J-M410 and J-M12 (M12, M102, M221, M314).

Origins [link]

The precise region of origin for haplogroup J-M172 remains a topic of discussion. However, at least within a European context, Anatolia and the Aegean seem to be source regions, with Hg J2 having perhaps arisen in the Levant (Di Giacomo 2004) / Middle East (Semino 2004) with the development of agriculture. As to the timing of its spread into Europe, Di Giacomo points to events which post-date the Neolithic, in particular the demographic floruit associated with the rise of the Ancient Greek world. Semino et al. derived older age estimates for overall J2 (having used the Zhivitovksy method c.f. Di Giacomo), postulating its initial spread with Neolithic farmers from the Near East. However, its subclade distribution, showing localized peaks in the Southern Balkans, southern Italy, north/ central Italy and the Caucasus, does not conform to a single 'wave-of-advance' scenario, betraying a number of still poorly understood post-Neolithic processes which created its current pattern. Like Di Giacomo, the Bronze Age southern Balkans was suggested to have been an important vector of spread.

Distribution [link]

J-M172 Distribution, "red" indicates Georgian Kazbegi people frequency 72%, and borders them the Ingush frequency 89%

Haplogroup J-M172 is found mainly in the Fertile Crescent, the Caucasus {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Anatolia, the Balkans, Italy, the Mediterranean littoral, and the Iranian plateau{{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}.

The highest reported frequency of J-M172 ever was 87.4%, among Ingush in Malgobek {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}. J-M172 - Associated with Mediterranean, South Caucasian and Fertile Crescent populations, with its peaks at 87.4% in Ingushetia and 72% in Georgia's Kazbegi region (near Mount Kazbek). In the North Caucasus, the largest frequencies are those of Nakh peoples (Chechens (56.7%) and Ingush (88.8%).[26] Other notable values were found among North Caucasian Turkic peoples (Kumyks (25%) and Balkars(24%)[28]). It is notable that according to both Nasidze's study in 2004 and then a later study on Dagestani peoples by Yunusbaev in 2006, J-M172 suddenly collapses as one enters the territory of non-Nakh Northeast Caucasian peoples, dropping to very low values among Dagestani peoples. The overwhelming bulk of Chechen J-M172 is of the subclade J-M67), of which the highest frequencies by far are found among Nakh peoples- Chechens were 55.2% according to the Balanovsky study, while Ingush were 87.4%.

More specifically it is found in Iraq {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Syria {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Lebanon {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Turkey {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Georgia {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Azerbaijan {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, North Caucasus {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Armenia {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Iran {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Israel {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Palestine {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Cyprus {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Greece {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Albania {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Italy {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, and Spain {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, and more frequently in Iraqis 43.6%{{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}, Chechens 51.0%-58.0% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Georgians 21% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-72% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Lebanese 25% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Ossetians 24% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Balkars 24% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Syrians 23% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Turks 13% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-40% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Cypriots 12.9% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-37% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Armenians 21% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-24% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Circassians 21.8%,{{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Iranians 10% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-25%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Albanians 16% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-24%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Italians 9%-36% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Sephardi Jews 15%{{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-29%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Maltese 21%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Palestinians 17%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Saudis 16% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Jordanians 14%, Omanis 10%-15% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, and North Indian Shia Muslim (Sayyid) 28.7% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}.

Africa [link]

North Africa [link]

Country/Region Sampling N J-M172 Study
Tunisia Tunisia 62 8 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Algeria Oran 102 4.9 Robino 2008
Egypt 124 7.6 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Egypt 147 12.0 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Morocco 221 4.1 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
North Africa Algeria, Tunisia 202 3.5 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}

Europe [link]

Country/Region Sampling N J-M172 Study
Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbs 81 8.7 Battaglia 2009
Cyprus 164 12.9 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Greece 154 18.1 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Greece Crete 143 35 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Iberia 655 7 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Iberia 1140 7.7 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Italy Sicily 212 22.6 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Italy Mainland 699 20 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Italy Central Marche 59 35.6 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Italy West Calabria 57 35.1 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Italy Val Badia 34 8.8 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Malta 90 21.1 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Portugal North, Center, South 303 6.9 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Portugal Tras-os-Montes (Jews) 57 24.5 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Sardinia 81 9.9 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Spain Mallorca 62 8.1 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Spain Sevilla 155 7.8 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Spain Leon 60 5 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Spain Ibiza 54 3.7 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Spain Cantabria 70 2.9 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Spain Galicia 292 13 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Spain Canary Islands 652 10.5 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}

In Europe, the frequency of Haplogroup J-M172 drops as one moves northward away from the Mediterranean. In Italy, J-M172 is found with regional frequencies ranging between 9% and 36% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}. In Greece, it is found with regional frequencies ranging between 10% and 48%. Approximately 24% of Turkish men are J-M172 according to a recent study, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} with regional frequencies ranging between 13% and 40% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}. Combined with J-M267, up to half of the Turkish population belongs to Haplogroup J-P209.

It has been proposed that haplogroup subclade J-M410 was linked to populations on ancient Crete by examining the relationship between Anatolian, Cretan, and Greek populations from around early Neolithic sites in Crete. Haplogroup J-M12 was associated with Neolithic Greece (ca. 8500 - 4300 BCE) and was reported to be found in modern Crete (3.1%) and mainland Greece (Macedonia 7.0%, Thessaly 8.8%, Argolis 1.8%) {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}.

North Caucasus [link]

Country/Region Sampling N J-M172 Study
Caucasus Abkhaz 58 13.8 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Caucasus Avar 115 6 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Caucasus Chechen 330 57 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Caucasus Circassians 142 21.8 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Caucasus Dargins 101 1 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Caucasus Ingush 143 88.8 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Caucasus Kaitak 33 3 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Caucasus Kubachi 65 0 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Caucasus Lezghins 81 2.5 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Caucasus Ossets 357 16 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Caucasus Shapsug 100 6 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Caucasus 1525 28.1 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}

J-M172 is found at very high frequencies in certain peoples of the Caucasus: among the Ingush 87.4% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Chechens 55.2% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Georgians 21%-72%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Azeris 24% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-48%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Abkhaz 25%, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Balkars 24% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Ossetians 24% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Armenians 21% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-24% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Circassians 21.8% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, and other groups ( {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}} and {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}).

West Asia [link]

Country/Region Sampling N J-M172 Study
Jewish Ashkenazim Jewish 442 19 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Iran 92 25 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Iraq 154 43.6 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Israel Akka 101 18.6 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Jordan 273 14.6 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Lebanon 951 29.4 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Oman 121 10.0 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Pakistan 176 11.9 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Pakistan Chitral District harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Qatar 72 8.3 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Saudi Arabia 157 15.9 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Syria Syria 554 20.8 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Turkey 523 24.2 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
UAE 164 10.3 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
Yemen 62 9.6 harvard_citation_no_bracket}}

Sephardi Jews have about 15% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-29% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, of haplogroup J-M172, and Ashkenazi Jews have 15% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}-23% {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}. It was reported in an early study which tested only four STR markers {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} that a small sample of Italian Cohens belonged to Network 1.2, an early designation for the overall clade now known as J-L26, defined by the deletion at DYS413. However, a large number of all Jewish Cohens in the world belong to haplogroup J-M267 (see Cohen modal haplotype).

Haplogroup J-M172 has been shown to have a more northern distribution in the Middle East, although it exists in significant amounts in the southern middle-east regions, a lesser amount of it was found when compared to its brother haplogroup, J-M267, which has a high frequency southerly distribution. It was believed that the source population of J-M172 originated from the Levant/Syria (Syrid-J-M172), and that its occurrence among modern populations of Europe, Central Asia, and South Asia was a sign of the neolithic agriculturalists. However, as stated it is now more likely to have originated in regions farther to the north, with the first metallurgists of the Middle East.

South Asia [link]

J-M172 subclades are also found in North Indian Shia Muslim population among whom are Sayyid who carry J-M172 in South Asia. Haplogroup J-P209 was found to be even more common in India's Shia Muslim, of which 28.7% are predominantly are Sayyid belong to haplogroup J, with 13.7% in J-M410, 10.6% in J-M267 and 4.4% in J2b {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}.

Subclade Distribution [link]

Haplogroup J-M172 is subdivided into two complementary sub-haplogroups: J-M410, defined by the M410 genetic marker, and J-M12, defined by the M12 genetic marker.

J-M172 [link]

J-M172 is typical of populations of the Near East, Southeast Europe, Southwest Asia and the Caucasus, with a moderate distribution through much of Central Asia, South Asia, and North Africa.{{#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}{{#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}[citation needed]

J-M410 [link]

J-M410 is found in Georgia, North Ossetia.

J-M47 [link]

J-M47 is found with low frequency in Georgia, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} southern Iran {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Qatar {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }} Saudi Arabia {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Syria {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Tunisia {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Turkey ({{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}} and {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}), the UAE, {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, and Central Asia/Siberia {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}.

J-M67 [link]

J-M67 (Called J2f in older papers) has its highest frequencies associated with Nakh peoples. Found at very high (majority) frequencies among Ingush in Malgobek (87.4%), Chechens in Dagestan (58%), Chechens in Chechnya (56.8%) and Chechens in Malgobek, Ingushetia (50.9%) {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}. In the Caucasus, it is found at significant frequencies among Georgians (13.3%) {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Iron Ossetes (11.3%), South Caucasian Balkars (6.3%) {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, Digor Ossetes (5.5%), Abkhaz (6.9%), and Cherkess (5.6%) {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}. It is also found at notable frequencies in the Mediterranean and Middle East, including Cretans (10.2%), North-central Italians (9.6%), Southern Italians (4.2%; only 0.8% among N. Italians), Anatolian Turks (2.7-5.4%), Greeks (4-4.3%), Albanians (3.6%), Ashkenazi Jews (4.9%), Sephardis (2.4%), Catalans (3.9%), Andalusians (3.2%), Calabrians (3.3%), Albanian Calabrians (8.9%) (see {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}} and {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}).

J-M319 [link]

J-M319 is found with low to moderate frequency in Cretan Greeks ({{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}} and {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}), Iraqi Jews {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, and Moroccan Jews {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}.

J-M158 [link]

J-M158 (location under L24 uncertain) J-M158 is found with low frequency in Turkey {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, South Asia ({{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}} and {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}), Indochina {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}, and Iberian Peninsula.

J-M205 [link]

"Population data is almost there. Thus, Haplogroup J2b1 found with a frequency of 3.2% in the "Phocaea" (west coast of Anatolia), and in one of the regions of Greece with a frequency of 1.7%. It is known that small quantities it is present in Armenia, and in Europe, for example, in the Penza region found 1 of 81 (1.2%), and in the Balkans in Montenegro about 0.5%." Gentis.Ru. J-M205 is typical of populations of the Balkans, Greece, Western Anatolia (Phocaea, Greek colonies), Armenia and Volga Bulgaria, with a moderate distribution through much of Europe in the areas where Greek expansion occurred.

Phylogenetics [link]

In Y-chromosome phylogenetics, subclades are the branches of haplogroups. These subclades are also defined by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or unique event polymorphisms (UEPs).

Phylogenetic History [link]

Prior to 2002, there were in academic literature at least seven naming systems for the Y-Chromosome Phylogenetic tree. This led to considerable confusion. In 2002, the major research groups came together and formed the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC). They published a joint paper that created a single new tree that all agreed to use. Later, a group of citizen scientists with an interest in population genetics and genetic genealogy formed a working group to create an amateur tree aiming at being above all timely. The table below brings together all of these works at the point of the landmark 2002 YCC Tree. This allows a researcher reviewing older published literature to quickly move between nomenclatures.

YCC 2002/2008 (Shorthand) (α) (β) (γ) (δ) (ε) (ζ) (η) YCC 2002 (Longhand) YCC 2005 (Longhand) YCC 2008 (Longhand) YCC 2010r (Longhand) ISOGG 2006 ISOGG 2007 ISOGG 2008 ISOGG 2009 ISOGG 2010 ISOGG 2011 ISOGG 2012
J-12f2a 9 VI Med 23 Eu10 H4 B J* J J J - - - - - - J
J-M62 9 VI Med 23 Eu10 H4 B J1 J1a J1a J1a - - - - - - Private
J-M172 9 VI Med 24 Eu9 H4 B J2* J2 J2 J2 - - - - - - J2
J-M47 9 VI Med 24 Eu9 H4 B J2a J2a J2a1 J2a4a - - - - - - J2a1a
J-M68 9 VI Med 24 Eu9 H4 B J2b J2b J2a3 J2a4c - - - - - - J2a1c
J-M137 9 VI Med 24 Eu9 H4 B J2c J2c J2a4 J2a4h2a1 - - - - - - J2a1h2a1a
J-M158 9 VI Med 24 Eu9 H4 B J2d J2d J2a5 J2a4h1 - - - - - - J2a1h1
J-M12 9 VI Med 24 Eu9 H4 B J2e* J2e J2b J2b - - - - - - J2b
J-M102 9 VI Med 24 Eu9 H4 B J2e1* J2e1 J2b J2b - - - - - - J2b
J-M99 9 VI Med 24 Eu9 H4 B J2e1a J2e1a J2b2a J2b2a - - - - - - Private
J-M67 9 VI Med 24 Eu9 H4 B J2f* J2f J2a2 J2a4b - - - - - - J2a1b
J-M92 9 VI Med 24 Eu9 H4 B J2f1 J2f1 J2a2a J2a4b1 - - - - - - J2a1b1
J-M163 9 VI Med 24 Eu9 H4 B J2f2 J2f2 J2a2b J2a4b2 - - - - - - Private

Original Research Publications [link]

The following research teams per their publications were represented in the creation of the YCC Tree.

  • α {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}} and {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
  • β {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
  • γ {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
  • δ {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
  • ε {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
  • ζ {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}
  • η {{#invoke:Footnotes|harvard_citation_no_bracket}}

Discussion [link]

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Phylogenetic trees [link]

There are several confirmed and proposed phylogenetic trees available for haplogroup J-M172. The scientifically accepted one is the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC) one published in Karafet 2008 and subsequently updated. A draft tree that shows emerging science is provided by Thomas Krahn at the Genomic Research Center in Houston, Texas. The International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG) also provides an amateur tree.

The Genomic Research Center draft tree [link]

This is Thomas Krahn at the Genomic Research Center's draft tree Proposed Tree for haplogroup J-M172 {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}. For brevity, only the first three levels of subclades are shown.

  • M172, L228
    • M410, L152, L212, L505, L532, L559
      • M289
      • L26, L27, L927
        • M47, M322
        • M67, L558
        • M319
        • M339
        • M419
        • P81
        • L24, L207.1
        • L88.2, L198
        • L250.2, L251.2
        • L267
        • P329.2
      • L581
    • M12, M102, M221, M314, L282
      • M205
      • M241
        • M99
        • M280
        • M321
        • P84
        • L283

The Y-Chromosome Consortium tree [link]

This is the official scientific tree produced by the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC). The last major update was in 2008 {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}. Subsequent updates have been quarterly and biannual. The current version is a revision of the 2010 update.[2]

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The ISOGG tree [link]

Below are the subclades of Haplogroup J-M172 with their defining mutation, according to the ISOGG tree (as of January 2013). Note that the descent-based identifiers may be subject to change, as new SNPs are discovered that augment and further refine the tree. For brevity, only the first three levels of subclades are shown.

  • M172, L228
    • M410
      • DYS413<8
        • M47, M322
        • M67,S51
        • M68
        • M319
        • M339
        • M419
        • P81
        • L24/S286, L207.1
        • L88.2, L198
      • L581/S398
        • P279
    • L282, M12, M102, M221, M314
      • M205
      • M241
        • L283

See also [link]

Genetics [link]

Y-DNA J Subclades [link]

Y-DNA Backbone Tree [link]

Evolutionary tree of human Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups
MRC Y-ancestor
A0 A1
A1a A1b
A1b1 BT

References [link]

Footnotes [link]

  1. A genetic study published led by Firasat (2007) on Kalash individuals found high and diverse frequencies.

Work Cited [link]

  1. The extent of differentiation of Hg J, observed both with the biallelic and microsatellite markers, points to the Middle East as its likely homeland. In this area, J-M172 and J-M267 are equally represented and show the highest degree of internal variation, indicating that it is most likely that these subclades also arose in the Middle East. {{#invoke:Footnotes | harvard_citation }}
  2. {{#invoke:citation/CS1|citation |CitationClass=web }} Family Tree DNA uses the Y-Chromosome Consortium tree and posts it on their website.

Journals [link]

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Further reading [link]

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Phylogenetic Notes [link]

  1. This table shows the historic names for J-M172 in published peer reviewed literature. Note that in Semino 2000 Eu09 is a subclade of Eu10 and in Karafet 2001 24 is a subclade of 23.
    YCC 2002/2008 (Shorthand) J-M172
    Jobling and Tyler-Smith 2000 9
    Underhill 2000 VI
    Hammer 2001 Med
    Karafet 2001 24
    Semino 2000 Eu9
    Su 1999 H4
    Capelli 2001 B
    YCC 2002 (Longhand) J2*
    YCC 2005 (Longhand) J2
    YCC 2008 (Longhand) J2
    YCC 2010r (Longhand) J2
  2. This table shows the historic names for J-P209 (AKA J-12f2.1 or J-M304) in published peer reviewed literature. Note that in Semino 2000 Eu09 is a subclade of Eu10 and in Karafet 2001 24 is a subclade of 23.
    YCC 2002/2008 (Shorthand) J-P209
    (AKA J-12f2.1 or J-M304)
    Jobling and Tyler-Smith 2000 9
    Underhill 2000 VI
    Hammer 2001 Med
    Karafet 2001 23
    Semino 2000 Eu10
    Su 1999 H4
    Capelli 2001 B
    YCC 2002 (Longhand) J*
    YCC 2005 (Longhand) J
    YCC 2008 (Longhand) J
    YCC 2010r (Longhand) J

Bibliography [link]

  1. ^ Renfrew, A.C. (1987). Archaeology and Language: The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins, London: Pimlico. ISBN 0-7126-6612-5
  2. ^ A. Nebel 2001, The Y chromosome pool of Jews as part of the genetic landscape of the Middle East, Americal Journal of Human Genetics 69(5):1095-112.
  3. ^ P. Malaspina 2001, A multistep process for the dispersal of a Y chromosomal lineage in the Mediterranean area, Ann Hum Genet.2001 Jul;65(Pt 4):339-49.

External links [link]

Evolutionary tree of human Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups
MRC Y-ancestor
A0 A1
A1a A1b
A1b1 BT

es:Haplogrupo J2 del cromosoma Y

ru:Гаплогруппа J2 (Y-ДНК)


