Hantili I was a king of the Hittites during the Hittite Old Kingdom. His reign lasted for 30 years, from c. 1526-1496 BC.
According to the Telepinu Proclamation, Hantili was the royal cup-bearer to Mursili I, king of the Hittites. Hantili was married to Ḫarapšili, Mursili’s sister. Around the year 1526 B.C., Hantili, with the help of Zidanta, his son-in-law, assassinated Mursili. Afterwards, Hantili succeeded him as king of the Hittites.
There are only a few scattered sources left that describe the reign of Hantili. During his reign, he continued the militaristic traditions of the kings before him. One of Hantili’s main concerns was maintaining Hittite control in Syria. He journeyed to the city of Carchemish to conduct a military campaign, most likely against the Hurrians, longtime enemies of the Hittites. The success of this campaign is unknown.
After the conclusion of this campaign, he made his return journey to Hattusa, the Hittite capital. While on this journey, he reached the city of Tegarama, which is possibly the modern-day Turkish city of Gürün. At this point, the Telepinu Proclamation states that Hantili started to develop paranoia, saying to himself, "What is this (that) I have done? [Why] did I listen to [the words of] Zidanta, my [son-in-law]? As soon as] he reigned [as king], the gods sought (justice for) the blood of Muršili."
Now what you gonna do
Don't you dare look at me for help
Cause i'm done through with you
You think just cause you're good looking
You can do anything that you choose
You can break a heart and crack a smile all in a good night's work
But we've all seen your kind of woman
They been here too many times before
Well the tides have finally turned
And I don't think you are welcome here no more
Cause I got a handle on my life
I got a handle on my whiskey
And if I was to let you in
Girl you'd just flush it all down the drain
Cause i got a woman at home who loves me
And I know she gonna treat me right
So run along sweet darling
And good luck with the rest of your life
It's such a damn good feeling
When you finally get it all figured out
No one's gonna please you and i pity the next fool that tries
I'm gonna leave this one thing with you
To cherish as long as you live
Girl you've got to change your wicked ways
Or you're gonna have nothing left you can give
Cause i got a handle on my life
I got a handle on my whiskey
And if i was to let you in
Girl you'd just flush it all down the drain
Whoa I got a handle on my life
Whoa I got a handle on my whiskey
And if i was to let you in
You'd just take it all and flush it all down the drain
Cause i got a woman home who loves me
I know I know she gonna treat me right
So run along sweet darling
And Good luck with the rest of your life
So run along sweet darling