Charles-Louis Hanon (2 July 1819 – 19 March 1900) was a French piano pedagogue and composer. He is best known for his work The Virtuoso Pianist in 60 Exercises, which is sometimes still used today for modern piano teaching, but over the years the method has also faced criticisms. He was born in Renescure, France in 1819, and died in Boulogne-sur-Mer in 1900.
Charles-Louis Hanon was born in northern France in the village of Renescure on July 2, 1819. Trained as an organist by a local teacher, it is not known if he received more advanced musical education. At age 27, he moved a short distance east from Renescure to Boulogne-sur-Mer where he lived with his brother François who was also a musician.
Music was never the exclusive focus of Hanon’s life: he was also a devout Roman Catholic, a Third Order Franciscan and a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Given his spirituality, Boulogne-sur-Mer may have been an ideal choice for a home: in addition to its fine churches, the city also contained numerous religious schools and charitable organizations.
Linda como um neném
Que sexo tem, que sexo tem?
Namora sempre com gay
Que nexo faz tão sexy gay
Pra ela é jazz
Já transou
Hi-life, society
Bancando o jogo alto
Totalmente demais
Esperta como ninguém
Só vai na boa
Só se dá bem!
Na lua cheia tá doida
Apaixonada, não sei por quem
Agitou um broto a mais
Nem pensou
Já foi!
Foi só pra relaxar
Totalmente demais
Sabe sempre quem tem
Faz avião, só se dá bem!
Se pensa que tem problema
Não tem problema
Faz sexo bem!
Seu carro é do ano, seu broto é lindo
Seu corpo tapete do tipo que voa
É toda fina, modelito design
Se pisca, "Hello!", se não dá, "bye bye"
Seu cheque é novinho, ela adora gastar
Transou um Rolling Stone no Canadá
Fazendo manha, bancando o jogo
Que mulher!
Totalmente demais!
Totalmente demais
Totalmente demais, demais..
Totalmente demais
Totalmente demais, demais...