Hannah More (2 February 1745 – 7 September 1833) was an English religious writer and philanthropist. She can be said to have made three reputations in the course of her long life: as a poet and playwright in the circle of Johnson, Reynolds and Garrick, as a writer on moral and religious subjects, and as a practical philanthropist.
Born in Bristol she taught at a school established by her father, before beginning her writing career writing plays. She became involved with the literary elite in London becoming a leading member of the Bluestocking group. Her plays and poetry became more evangelical and she became part of a group of campaigners against the slave trade. In the 1790s she wrote several Cheap Repository Tracts which covered moral, religious and political topics for sale or distribution to literate poor people. This coincided with her increasing philanthropic work in the Mendip area, encouraged by William Wilberforce, which included the establishment of local schools.
... More, probably Richard More (fl. 1402) was an English politician.
He was a Member of the Parliament of England in 1402 for Plympton Erle.
More or Mores may refer to:
Marks and Spencer plc (also known as M&S) is a major British multinational retailer headquartered in the City of Westminster, London. It specialises in the selling of clothing, home products and luxury food products. M&S was founded in 1884 by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer in Leeds.
In 1998, the company became the first British retailer to make a pre-tax profit of over £1 billion, although subsequently it went into a sudden slump, which took the company, its shareholders, who included hundreds of thousands of small investors, and nearly all retail analysts and business journalists, by surprise. In November 2009, it was announced that Marc Bolland, formerly of Morrisons, would take over as chief executive from executive chairman Stuart Rose in early 2010; Rose remained in the role of non-executive chairman until he was replaced by Robert Swannell in January 2011.
It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.
The company was founded by a partnership between Michael Marks, a Polish Jew from Słonim (Marks was born into a Polish-Jewish family, a Polish refugee living in the Russian Empire, now in Belarus), and Thomas Spencer, a cashier from the English market town of Skipton in North Yorkshire. On his arrival in England, Marks worked for a company in Leeds, called Barran, which employed refugees (see Sir John Barran, 1st Baronet). In 1884 he met Isaac Jowitt Dewhirst while looking for work. Dewhirst lent Marks £5 which he used to establish his Penny Bazaar on Kirkgate Market, in Leeds. Dewhirst also taught him a little English. Dewhirst's cashier was Tom Spencer, an excellent bookkeeper, whose lively and intelligent second wife, Agnes, helped improve Marks' English. In 1894, when Marks acquired a permanent stall in Leeds' covered market, he invited Spencer to become his partner.
O céu azul sobre nós pode desabar
E a terra bem pode desmoronar
Pouco me importa, se tu me amas
Pouco se me dá o mundo inteiro
Desde que o amor inunde minhas manhãs
Desde que meu corpo esteja fremindo sob tuas mãos
Pouco me importam os problemas
Meu amor, já que tu me amas.
Eu irei até o fim do mundo
Mandarei pintar meu cabelo de louro
(ou: Me transformarei em loura)
Se tu me pedires
Irei despendurar a lua
Irei roubar a fortuna
Se tu me pedires
Eu renegarei minha pátria
Renegarei meus amigos
Se tu me pedires
Bem podem rir de mim
Farei o que quer que seja
Se tu me pedires
Se um dia a vida te arrancar de mim
Se tu morreres, se estiveres longe de mim
Pouco me importa, se tu me amas,
Porque eu morrerei também
Teremos para nós a eternidade,
No azul de toda a imensidão
No céu não haverá mais problemas
Meu amor, acredite que nos amamos.
Deus reúne os que se amam.