Hanging In is an American sitcom that aired on CBS in 1979, executive produced by Norman Lear.
After his failed attempt to launch the sitcom Mr. Dugan, Lear reworked the project, finally coming up with Hanging In, the story of Lou Harper, a former pro football star who becomes president of fictional Braddock College. Bill Macy (who had played Maude's husband, Walter Findlay, in Maude) resurfaced as the star of the version that finally did air, in August 1979. Most of the supporting cast of Mr. Dugan and its several different incarnations appeared in Hanging In. Hanging In lasted just four weeks on CBS, leaving the air after its August 29, 1979 broadcast.
My building's full of little holes with heads in, staring at the street.
They sometimes topple forwards, then stick at one another, passing freaks.
They rarely speak and though I don't feed them--still they keep their double
(their quadruple) chins. Their garbage bins are emptied each day. By night
waiting with lights off, their cats out, their wives in-- they're PEEPING!
They're peeping at the methylated man who spits in a can, spreads his hands
for silver, pans for gutter gold. He mutters old forgotten songs his father
taught him, rolls on the floor. He rolls in alcoves, gets caught in
waterfalls down rotting walls. (He's bored.) My friends applaud, throw
pennies and wait . . . peeping from the gallery.