A hand axe is a prehistoric stone tool with two faces that is the longest-used tool in human history. It is usually composed of flint or chert. It is characteristic of the lower Acheulean and middle Palaeolithic (Mousterian) periods. Its technical name (biface) comes from the fact that the archetypical model is a generally bifacial Lithic flake with an almond-shaped (amygdaloidal) morphology. Hand axes tend to be symmetrical along their longitudinal axis and formed by pressure or percussion. The most common hand axes have a pointed end and rounded base, which gives them their characteristic shape, and both faces have been knapped to remove the natural cortex, at least partially. Hand axes are a type of the somewhat wider biface group of two-faced tools or weapons.
Hand axes were the first prehistoric tools to be recognized as such: the first published representation of a hand axe was drawn by John Frere and appeared in a British publication in 1800. Up until that time their origins were thought to be natural or supernatural (they were called «Thunderstones» because popular tradition held that they had fallen from the sky during storms or were formed inside the earth by a lightning strike and then appeared at the surface; in fact they are still used in some rural areas as an amulet to protect against storms).
I saw the Abominable Snowman at the fair
Carnie says he's from Nepal
Take a look if you dare
Scabs on his clubbed feet
Smell of fish and chips in the air
Alone in his trailer
People come and pay to stare
For a couple dollars
You can see the freaks at the fair
Stand and laugh
Or you can just stare
Thank God, my kids don't look like that
Freakshow at the fair
Freakshow at the fair
Lobster boy, found half-way 'round the world
Modern science, keeps alive
A beautiful headless girl
Siamese twins or child in fins
Makes you cry
Seen her turn into an ape before your eyes
For a couple dollars
You can see the freaks at the fair
Stand and laugh
Or you can just stare
Thank God, my kids don't look like that
Freakshow at the fair
Freakshow at the fair
Where have all the freaks gone?
We don't see 'em at the fair
Have doctors found a cure?
Are they all locked up somewhere?
I saw the Abominable Snowman at the fair
Connie says he's from Nepal
Take a look if you dare
Freakshow at the fair
Freakshow at the fair