Hand of Hope was Morning Again's third release. It was a compilation of the two American releases, The Cleanest War & Morning Again, available for the first time in Europe, by the Belgium label, Good Life.
Samuel Alexander Armas (born (1999-12-02)December 2, 1999) is the child shown in a famous photograph by Michael Clancy, dubbed the "Hand of Hope", of his hand extending from an opening in his mother's uterus and touching his surgeon's finger during open fetal surgery for spina bifida.
The photograph was taken during a medical procedure to fix the spina bifida lesion of a 21-week-old fetus in the womb. The operation was performed by a surgical team at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. The team, Dr. Joseph Bruner and Dr. Noel Tulipan, had been developing a technique for correcting certain fetal problems in mid-pregnancy. Their procedure involved temporarily opening the uterus, draining the amniotic fluid, partially extracting and performing surgery on the tiny fetus, and then restoring the fetus to the uterus back inside the mother.
Alex and Julie Armas first discovered that their baby had spina bifida during an ultrasound 14 weeks after conception. The Armases came across the Vanderbilt procedure while researching their options online.
I am mine, are we so advanced that we'd stum our advancement and we so civilized lust over weaponry. crucify the thieves, as we steal from our children. Thou shalt not kill, we do it three times a day what's the problem? What went wrong? And home becomes a cage. These nine numbers lay seed to rage. We are bound by this modern age. Number rules you. Social insecurity. Turn to non-entities. We are bound by this modern age. I was told too many things Held the small hand of hope. Until it turned to ash in mine. It was spelled out for me form the start. Convenience and disregard mated and there was born my predicament but sometimes longing spits on logic and we proceed blind smiling.