Kasa may refer to
A kasa (笠) is any of several sorts of traditional hats of Japan. When preceded by a word specifying the type of hat, the word becomes gasa as in the jingasa (war hat).
One kind of kasa for Buddhist monks is made overlarge, in a bowl or mushroom shape and is made from woven rice straw. It does not come to a point like a rice farmer's hat, nor ride high on the head like a samurai's traveling hat. It is just a big hat covering the upper half to two thirds of the face. Thus, it helps mask the identity of the monk and allows him to travel undistracted by sights around him on his journey.
The samurai class of feudal Japan as well as their retainers and footsoldiers (ashigaru) used several types of jingasa made from iron, copper or leather.
Kasa shares its etymology with the Japanese word for "umbrella" (which is also pronounced "kasa", but written 傘).
Here is a list of several types of kasa:
The kingdom of Kasa, also known as Kasanga, was the dominant kingdom in the lower Casamance (now Senegal) in the late 15th century. Most of the inhabitants of the realm were Banun or Kasanke. In the late 16th and early 17th century the area fell under the domination of Kaabu.
Halt (from German: stop) can refer to:
A train station, railway station, railroad station, or depot (see below) is a railway facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers or freight.
It generally consists of at least one track-side platform and a station building (depot) providing such ancillary services as ticket sales and waiting rooms. If a station is on a single-track line, it often has a passing loop to facilitate traffic movements. The smallest stations are most often referred to as "stops" or, in some parts of the world, as "halts" (flag stops).
Stations may be at ground level, underground, or elevated. Connections may be available to intersecting rail lines or other transport modes such as buses, trams or other rapid transit systems.
In the United States, the most common term in contemporary usage is train station. Railway station and railroad station are less frequent; also, American usage makes a distinction between the terms railroad and railway.
In Britain and other Commonwealth countries, traditional usage favours railway station or simply station, even though train station, which is often perceived as an Americanism, is now about as common as railway station in writing; railroad station is not used, railroad being obsolete there. In British usage, the word station is commonly understood to mean a railway station unless otherwise qualified.
A maul may refer to any number of large hammers, including:
Maul is a comic book character from DC Comics/Wildstorm. Maul is a half human, half titanthrope (a subspecies of the Kherubim), biochemist from Earth. Maul experiences powerful rage and is actually a Nobel-prized scientist named Dr. Jeremy Stone.
Jeremy Stone spent the early years of his life unaware that he was not entirely human. However, when Jeremy discovered his heritage and his ability to transform into a giant being of superhuman strength, he joined the intergalactic war between the Kherubim and Daemonites, becoming a member of the WildC.A.T.S. and using the codename Maul.
When the WildC.A.T.s travelled to Khera, the Kherubim native homeworld, he discovered his ancestors made up part of a caste of artesans who were the original Kheran natives (now called Titanthropes), but were dislocated to the subterrans by another alien race.
There, he fell in love with another Titanthrope, a woman named Glingo. She gave her life to prevent an attack using bombs planned by the Coda. They intended to frame the Titanthropes, but the plan was exposed and the bomb killed her. This was a serious emotional blow to Maul. Later, when the team returned to Earth, he quit the WildC.A.T.s to become a professor. At the end of the first series he came back, but soon left when Zealot was apparently killed.
Neulich hast Du mich vor allen meinen Kumpels angemacht
Hast mich fertiggemacht
Alle haben mich ausgelacht
Ich kam immer zu spät-Hausaufgaben vergessen
Und "Warum musst du Dein Pausenbrot in der Stunde essen ??"
Zur Strafe hast Du mir ne Extra-Stunde aufgedrückt
Vor der ganzen Klasse den Hass-Knopf gedrückt
Und dann sagtest Du noch als Krönung vom Marsch
Ich wär der dümmste der Klasse
Das war der Beweis, Du bist der Stärkste Mann der Erde
wir sind Deine Sklaven, Deine Diener, Deine Herde.
Hey Leher, was willst Du mich schom Lehren
Mach mich nicht so an,sonst muß ich mich wehren
Halts Maul, Halts Maul
Woher willst du denn wissen,was wichtig für mich ist
Halts Maul,Halts Maul
Nur weil du mich nicht abkannst, machst du mich fertig
Hats Maul,Halts Maul
Hey Lehrer,Halts Maul
Du sagst,ich bin faul-Du lässt mich gerne schwitzen
Nur noch eine 6 in Mathe und schon bleibst du sitzen
Hör auf, den Rap zu bringen, ich hab Bock was zu lernen
Doch wenn du mich so erpresst, lerne ich nicht gerade gerne
Sei fügsam, gehorche, sonst droht dir ein Verweis
Ey Alter, bleib mal locker und erzähl mir nicht so n Scheiß
Schon am nächsten Morgen lag ein Brief bei uns im Kasten
Du kannst es dir ja vorstellen, wie meine Eltern ausrasten
Danke, lieber Lehrer-Wer nicht hören will, muß fühlen
Immer wenn ich ehrlich zu dir bin, habe ich verloren
Mein Alter redet seitdem nurnoch vom Internat
Und das er in dir nen neuen Freund gefunden hat
Halts Maul,Halts Maul
Du hast es geschafft,deinen Hass abgespult
Meine eltern haben mich gestern Morgen umgeschult
Und jetzt hänge ich hier ab,wegen schlechter Noten
Und einer Empfehlung mit lauter Idioten
Mann,ich könnte Kotzen, es tut mir nur weh
Daß ich meine allerbesten Freunde nicht mehr seh
Doch es hat ja auch was gutes, es geht voran
Ich fang hier ein komplett neues Leben an
Denn mein altes hast du mir ja gerade zerissen
Und ausgelöscht
Hast du kein schlechtes Gewissen
Brauchst du nicht, ich kann mein leben selber lenken
Tschüß,mein lieber Lehrer, Ich werd immer an dich denken
Warum haßt du mich so, was hab ich dir getan