Nada! is the third studio album by English neofolk band Death in June. It was released in 1985, through record label New European Recordings.
"No sense makes sense", a Charles Manson quote, is scratched into the vinyl.
All songs written and composed by Death in June (Christ '93', Douglas Pearce, Patrick Leagas, Richard Butler), except as noted.
Nada may refer to:
Nada is a 1947 Spanish drama film directed by Edgar Neville. It is based on Carmen Laforet's famous novel Nada which won the Premio Nadal. It was written by Carmen Laforet.
The novel was filmed also in Argentina in (1956) by Leopoldo Torre Nilsson with the title Graciela.
Although the film is an entirely Spanish production, the cast includes some Italian actors: Fosco Giachetti, María Denis, Adriano Rimoldi.
The film was censored and cut by 30 minutes, so credited actors such as Félix Navarro, María Bru and Rafael Bardem disappeared from the film. The role of José María Mompín was hardly reduced. Most of the Barcelona exteriors were removed.
A maul may refer to any number of large hammers, including:
Maul is a comic book character from DC Comics/Wildstorm. Maul is a half human, half titanthrope (a subspecies of the Kherubim), biochemist from Earth. Maul experiences powerful rage and is actually a Nobel-prized scientist named Dr. Jeremy Stone.
Jeremy Stone spent the early years of his life unaware that he was not entirely human. However, when Jeremy discovered his heritage and his ability to transform into a giant being of superhuman strength, he joined the intergalactic war between the Kherubim and Daemonites, becoming a member of the WildC.A.T.S. and using the codename Maul.
When the WildC.A.T.s travelled to Khera, the Kherubim native homeworld, he discovered his ancestors made up part of a caste of artesans who were the original Kheran natives (now called Titanthropes), but were dislocated to the subterrans by another alien race.
There, he fell in love with another Titanthrope, a woman named Glingo. She gave her life to prevent an attack using bombs planned by the Coda. They intended to frame the Titanthropes, but the plan was exposed and the bomb killed her. This was a serious emotional blow to Maul. Later, when the team returned to Earth, he quit the WildC.A.T.s to become a professor. At the end of the first series he came back, but soon left when Zealot was apparently killed.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an action role-playing open world video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is the fifth installment in The Elder Scrolls series, following The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Skyrim was released worldwide on November 11, 2011, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. Three downloadable content (DLC) add-ons were released—Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn—which were repackaged into The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Legendary Edition, which was released on June 4, 2013.
Skyrim's main story revolves around the player character and their effort to defeat Alduin the World-Eater, a dragon who is prophesied to destroy the world. The game is set two hundred years after the events of Oblivion and takes place in the fictional province of Skyrim. Over the course of the game, the player completes quests and develops the character by improving skills. Skyrim continues the open world tradition of its predecessors by allowing the player to travel anywhere in the game world at any time, and to ignore or postpone the main storyline indefinitely.
Neulich hast du mich vor allen meinen Kumpels angemacht,
Hast mich fertig gemacht, alle ham mich ausgelacht...
Ich komm immer zu spät, Hausaufgaben vergessen,
Und warum musst du dein Pausenbrot in meiner Stunde essen?
Zur strafe hast du mir 'ne extra Stunde aufgedrückt,
Vor der gesammten Klasse, den Hassknopf gedrückt...
Und dann sagtes du noch, als Krönung vom Marsch,
Ich wär der dümmste in der Klasse, vielen Dank du Arsch.
Das war der Beweiß, du bist der stärkste Mann der Erde,
Wir sind deine Sklaven, deine Diener, deine Herde.
Hey Lehrer, was willst du mich schon lehren?
Mach mich nicht an, sonst muss ich mich wehren...
Woher willst Du denn wissen, was richtig für mich ist?
Warum haßt Du mich so? Was hab ich Dir getan?
Nur weil Du mich nicht abkannst, machst
Du mich fertig!
Hey Lehrer, HALT'S MAUL!!!
Du sagst ich bin faul, du lässt mich gerne schwitzen,
Nur noch eine 6 in Mathe, und schon bleibst du sitzen.
Hör auf den Rap zu bringen, ich hab Bock was zu lernen,
Doch wenn du mich so erpresst, lerne ich nicht gerade gerne.
Sei fügsam, gehorche, sonst droht dir ein Verweiß...
Hey Alter, bleib mal locker und erzähl mir nicht son Scheiß.
Schon am nächsten morgen war der Brief bei uns im Kasten,
Du kannst es dir ja vorstellen, wie meine Eltern ausrasten.
Danke lieber Lehrer, wer nicht hören will muss fühln,
Immer wenn ich ehrlich zu dir bin hab ich verloren.
Mein Alter redet seit dem nur noch von Internat,
Und das er in dir 'n neuen Freund gefunden hat...
Du hast es geschafft, deinen Hass abgespult,
Meine Eltern haben mich gestern morgen umgeschult.
Und jetzt häng ich hier ab, wegen schlechter Noten,
Und deiner Empfehlung, mit lauter Idioten.
Man ich könnte kotzen, doch es tut mir nur weh,
Das ich meine allerbesten Freunde nicht mehr seh,
Doch es hat ja auch was gutes, es geht voran,
Ich fang hier ein komplett neues Leben an.
Denn mein altes Leben hast du mir gerad zerissen und ausgelöscht,
hast du kein schlechtes Gewissen?
Brauchs du nicht, ich kann mein Leben selber lenken
Tschüß mein lieber Lehrer - ICH WERD IMMER AN DICH DENKEN