Halifax Resolves
The Halifax Resolves was a name later given to the resolution adopted by North Carolina on April 12, 1776. The adoption of the resolution was the first official action in the American Colonies calling for independence from Great Britain during the American Revolution. The Halifax Resolves helped pave the way for the presentation to Congress of the United States Declaration of Independence less than three months later.
The creation and ratification of the resolves was the result of a strong movement in the colonies advocating separation from Britain. These separatists, or "American Whigs," sought to mobilize public support for a much discussed and all encompassing 'declaration' of independence. The primary impediment to an outright declaration of independence from Britain was that none of the delegates to the Second Continental Congress were authorized by their home governments to take any action that would lead to such a declaration. Advocates of independence therefore sought to revise the instructions to each congressional delegation and remove any restrictions regarding a declaration of independence.