An HTC is typically an HTML file (with JScript / VBScript) and a set of elements that define the component. This helps to organize behavior encapsulated in script modules that can be attached to parts of a WebpageDOM.
In this example, the li element is given the behavior defined by "" (a file that contains JScript code defining highlight/lowlight actions on mouse over). The same can then be given to any element in the HTML page - thus encapsulating the behavior defined by this file.
To start, we delete all the references to the Welcome component. Instead, we’ll use our own TodoList component, which we’ll build in a moment. ... In Astro components (defined inside .astro files) we have two segments ... Reusable components.
Astro offers both static and server-side rendering of web application pages and components ... If a component is SSG, then it ultimately is turned into a static asset—either a bundled-up HTML page or a JavaScript file in the case of endpoints.
The latest tracking of measles cases and more information about the disease can be found on the CDC’s measles webpage at ... The measles containing component of the MMR vaccine has been given in the U.S. for over 50 years.